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recently I have been getting back into arma 3 editing, and now I want to step my game up with what I can do; but my problem is that I create mostly admin menus and spawn menus just for messing around with. And all is well with that when im using player addAction menus, but now I want to create an openable menu using gui editor with scrolling spawn menus and a list of admin tools but the problem is that I dont really know how to use gui editor so I was wondering if anyone knew how they could help me in any way at all with some up to date tutorials or anything that will shed some light into helping me.


thanks in advance, 


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You can access the editor by pressing escape and clicking on GUI EDITOR on the buttons along the bottom. Once inside, right click somewhere and select the type of control you want to use and click okay to add it. Some controls are not visible (at least from what I remember, it may have changed now) so you need to shake the mouse around to find them. I recommend changing "Position Type:" to safezone, it's never let me down.


NOTE: The GUI Editor does not contain sample controls for all controls possible in the game (Trees comes to mind). This is annoying, but not game-breaking, you can add a placeholder control and change it's inheritance later.


After you have created the GUI and styled it the way you want to, press ctrl+s to save it. I recommend first saving your dialog in "GUI Editor" format (this will allow you to go back into the editor and easily load your dialog to make small changes), then save it again as "Config (controls as class)" (this is what the game can actually use). When you have selected your format and click OK, the information is in the clipboard, so you have to alt+tab and paste it.


All you need for your dialog is an idd number and a controls class:

class MyCustomDialog
	idd = some_number;

	class controls
		//paste the gui editor output here

You can either paste this directly in description.ext or put it in a separate file and then #include that file to description.ext.


You will need a file with all of the base classes, make sure you #include this before the dialog, or else you will have issues because you can't use a macro that doesn't exist.


You'll probably have buttons in your dialog. You can use the "action" attribute to make the buttons do things when you click on them:

class SampleDialog
	idd = 501;
	class controls
		// GUI EDITOR OUTPUT START (by DreadedEntity, v1.063, #Kicazy)
		class RscButton_1606: RscButton
			idc = 1606;
			text = "Click me"; //--- ToDo: Localize;
			x = 0.340729 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
			y = 0.94202 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
			w = 0.0955624 * safezoneW;
			h = 0.0340016 * safezoneH;
			action = "systemChat 'You clicked me';";

That should get you started in the right direction

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