spookygnu 563 Posted August 10, 2015 Hi all, I have been trying to find some decent soundbytes of pilot chatter and I'm not being very successful atm. I have search the forums and google and I'm not finding what I am after. I'm really surprised that there hasn't been anything created or even put in the game by BI where by the pilot of a helo does some sort of insertion dialogue over the radio. This would be great if there was something available for mission designers. If I'm not looking in all the right places can anybody help me with some links please? I have audacity and I'm able to use it, so I can make a file if need be but I'm not to happy listening to my own voice, not only that but I'm very unsure of the correct dialogue to put in. If anybody is able to help with voice acting that would be great, you'd get credit if and when I release a SP mission too. So two things to sumarise, 1; help me find my desired radio speak, 2; if you can voice act? can you help me? thanks. Spook Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davidoss 552 Posted August 10, 2015 use Task force radio mod. http://radio.task-force.ru/en/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigpoppablunts 53 Posted August 10, 2015 use Task force radio mod. http://radio.task-force.ru/en/ I assume he is interested in single player scripted radio chatter. TFAR wont do him any good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spookygnu 563 Posted August 10, 2015 can you read the first post again please davidoss? I'm not after any type of radio mod, I am after custom radio effects chatter that would simulate pilot dialogue whilst in a helo. I assume he is interested in single player scripted radio chatter. TFAR wont do him any good. right on the money thankyou! emphasis on NOT wanting text chatter on screen that just looks rubbush and isn't immersive one bit. Since when do you see pilots and co pilots texting each other to troops in the back, telling them they are a klick out from the LZ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicpanda 19 Posted August 10, 2015 Edit: Nvm, not what you were after. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EagleByte 40 Posted August 10, 2015 Use this code in your init.sqf, I believe this is what you are looking for. [] spawn { while {true} do { private ["_sound","_veh"]; if (player != vehicle player) then { playmusic format ["RadioAmbient%1",floor (random 31)]; } else { _veh = ((position player) nearEntities [["Air"], 10]) select 0; if !(isnil "_veh") then { _sound = format ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\radio\ambient_radio%1.wss",floor (random 31)]; playsound3d [_sound,_veh,true,getPosasl _veh,1,1,50]; }; }; sleep (1 + random 59); }; }; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spookygnu 563 Posted August 11, 2015 Thanks fatpiggy! that is great stuff. Do you know of any other sounds that might be suitable I can add in and play with?? I made this as sqf and fired it from the waypoint before the LZ, works perfect. Thankyou. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davidoss 552 Posted August 11, 2015 can you read the first post again please davidoss? I'm not after any type of radio mod, More likely you do not knew what you want. Reed your theme "custom pilot radio effects" You want radio effect not a radio chatter TFR is giving the radio ambient like the code above and brilliant radio environment Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spookygnu 563 Posted August 11, 2015 dude! do me a favour, stop posting please. you suggestion is not what I wanted. I clearly know what I, you seem to not know want exactly, and I now have it. I stated radio effects, because the speech is a radio "effect". You could say radio effect/chatter. But I didn't post chatter to negate having people post about text chatter on screen. I've used TFR, I know what TFR is and it is a mod. If I wanted a Radio mod I would have asked for it. Thanks, goodbye! btw, a reed is water vegetation! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EagleByte 40 Posted August 11, 2015 Thanks fatpiggy! that is great stuff. Do you know of any other sounds that might be suitable I can add in and play with?? I made this as sqf and fired it from the waypoint before the LZ, works perfect. Thankyou. As far as I know, that loops through all the built in radio chatter/effects within Arma. I know you can do something similar with battlefield sounds, like such: Place a marker called "soundPos" and that will be the origin of the sound. if (!isdedicated && hasInterface) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {player == player}; //hint format ["%1",count _this]; _source = (getMarkerPos "soundPos"); _plays = true; AmB_nosound = false; _battle_radius = 1500; while {_plays} do { _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; _logic = _group createUnit ["LOGIC",(_source) , [], 0, ""]; sleep (1 + random 7); for "_s" from 1 to (1 + Ceil (random 2)) do { [_logic,_source,_battle_radius] spawn { for "_s" from 1 to (random 7 + random 56) do { private ["_logic","_source","_radius","_allsounds"]; _logic = _this select 0; _source = _this select 1; _radius = if ((_this select 2) > 100) then {(_this select 2)/25} else {(_this select 2)}; _allsounds = []; _logic setPos (_logic modelToWorld [random _radius - Random _radius,random _radius - Random _radius,random 1 - Random 2]); private ["_sound","_sound1","_sound2","_maxtype"]; _sound1 = format ["A3\Sounds_F\ambient\battlefield\battlefield_explosions%1.wss",floor (random 4)+1]; _sound2 = format ["A3\Sounds_F\ambient\battlefield\battlefield_firefight%1.wss",floor (random 2)+2]; if (!(surfaceIsWater getPos _logic)) then {_allsounds pushBack _sound2;} else {AmB_nosound = true}; if (random 1 > .5 or (surfaceIsWater getPos _logic) or AmB_nosound) then {_allsounds pushBack _sound1;}; _vol = switch (true) do { case (_logic distance player <= 250) : {.1}; case (_logic distance player > 250 and _logic distance player <= 500) : {.5}; case (_logic distance player > 500 and _logic distance player <= 800) : {1}; case (_logic distance player > 800 and _logic distance player <= 1000) : {1.5}; case (_logic distance player > 1000) : {2}; }; _maxtype = (count _allsounds); _sound = _allsounds select (floor random _maxtype); _pitch = if (_sound == _sound1) then {random .5 + .5} else {random .6 + .8}; _volumn = if (_sound == _sound1) then {_vol + 1 + random 3} else {_vol + .1 + random 2}; _volumn = _volumn - .8; playsound3d [_sound,_logic,false,getPosasl _logic,_volumn,_pitch,0]; sleep (random 1 + random 14); }; };//spawn sleep (random 21 + random 21); }; deleteVehicle _logic; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spookygnu 563 Posted August 12, 2015 thanks dude! as of yet, I don't really need BF sound bytes etc, but I know where to find the info now if I ever want to use them. Cheers as for the original code you posted. If I were to stop the continuous playback, would I take out the sleep command at the end of the script and then, for example, execute the a command at various WP's, triggers etc if I wanted to play a sound byte again? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites