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talking in muiltiplay

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iam new to arma3 can not seem to talk in muiltiplay with over players ,,or in mods,, what iam doing wrong, or do i need some download to talk !!!!!!!!!

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Well you either need to configure your microphone to work with ArmA3 and then use ingame VON chat (default key caps-lock). However VON is kinda wonky right now and will probably lag you to hell and back.


The other options are either Taskforce Arrowhead Radio (TFAR) or ACRE2. Both require Teamspeak to work as well as CBA as far as I can recall. However, for other players to hear you using either of these options, they too will require the relevant addons and need to be connected to the same TS server as you (and be in the same channel - either on the same radio channel or within earshot of you when you speak).

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