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A2/OA Slow ALT-TAB After Upgrade to Windows 10?

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I have noticed Arma 2/OA ALT-TABBING slowly/with a delay and black screen in the process ever since i switched from Windows 7 to 10.

A2/OA would ALWAYS alt-tab instantly while my PC was on Win7 and ever since switching to 10 these problems have started, this bothers me a lot as i like to be able to switch between things quickly. :(


I have talked to a friend running Win10 and he is able to confirm A2 + some other games that he used to be able to alt-tab in/out of instantly on 7 being slow and delayed on Win10.


I presume this is a microsoft issue, and it seems like there are some other people also experiencing similar issues with several games. Feel free to post in this steam discussion: http://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/541907867752526246/


I guess it's windowed mode for the time being, anyone else noticed this problem since switching to Windows 10?




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