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Dialog onLoad Not Working

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This is starting to really annoy me. It seems wherever I try and put this code it just doesn't work yet everytime I output the variables they all show the right stuff so it will clearly go into the IF's and stuff, and I've also tried multiple ways at editing the dialog controls and tried disableSerialization.

Please someone figure this out. I just want a very simple system where when the dialog loads it will call a script. In that script it will load some variables from the players namespace (the player that opened the dialog) and then if those variables are equal to something then disable a button and set the buttons text to something.

Here's the addAction script to open the dialog

// [target, caller, ID, arguments]

private ["_unit", "_sign", "_loadout", "_hasLoaded", "_playerData", "_actCtrl", "_rank"];

_sign = _this select 0;
_unit = _this select 1;

if (local _unit) then {
createDialog "WS_GUI_Jobs";

Here's my dialog.hpp

class WS_GUI_Jobs
idd = -1;
movingenable = false;

onLoad = "_this call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ui\jobs\init.sqf';";

class controls
	class WSGUIJobs_Back: IGUIBack
		idc = -1;
		x = 0.304013 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.258 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.397131 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.484 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_Header: WS_Header
		idc = 2201;
		text = "BASIC ROLES";
		x = 0.304013 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.2338 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.397131 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.022 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_StrText_01: RscStructuredText
		idc = 1100;
		x = 0.309171 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.588 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.11 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_Pic_01: RscPicture
		idc = 1200;
		text = "ui\jobs\img\medic.paa";
		x = 0.309171 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.269 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.308 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_Btn_01: RscButton
		idc = 1600;
		text = "PRIVATE"; //--- ToDo: Localize;
		x = 0.309171 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.709 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.022 * safezoneH;
		action = "closeDialog 2; [player, 'medic'] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_switchUnit.sqf'";
	class WSGUIJobs_Pic_02: RscPicture
		idc = 1201;
		text = "ui\jobs\img\repair.paa";
		x = 0.407164 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.269 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.308 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_StrText_02: RscStructuredText
		idc = 1101;
		text = "";
		x = 0.407164 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.588 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.11 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_Btn_02: RscButton
		idc = 1601;
		text = "CORPORAL"; //--- ToDo: Localize;
		x = 0.407164 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.709 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.022 * safezoneH;
		action = "closeDialog 2; [player, 'repair'] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_switchUnit.sqf'";
	class WSGUIJobs_Pic_03: RscPicture
		idc = 1202;
		text = "ui\jobs\img\pilot.paa";
		x = 0.505158 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.269 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.308 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_StrText_03: RscStructuredText
		idc = 1102;
		text = "";
		x = 0.505158 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.588 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.11 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_Btn_03: RscButton
		idc = 1602;
		text = "SERGEANT"; //--- ToDo: Localize;
		x = 0.505158 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.709 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.022 * safezoneH;
		action = "closeDialog 2; [player, 'pilot'] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_switchUnit.sqf'";
	class WSGUIJobs_Pic_04: RscPicture
		idc = 1203;
		text = "ui\jobs\img\sniper.paa";
		x = 0.603151 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.269 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.308 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_StrText_04: RscStructuredText
		idc = 1103;
		text = "";
		x = 0.603151 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.588 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.11 * safezoneH;
	class WSGUIJobs_Btn_04: RscButton
		idc = 1603;
		text = "LIEUTENANT"; //--- ToDo: Localize;
		x = 0.603151 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.709 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0928357 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.022 * safezoneH;
		action = "closeDialog 2; [player, 'sniper'] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_switchUnit.sqf'";
	class WSGUIJobs_Btn_Close: RscButton
		idc = 1604;
		text = "Close"; //--- ToDo: Localize;
		x = 0.639254 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.7442 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.0618905 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.022 * safezoneH;
		action = "closeDialog 2;";
	class WSGUIJobs_Btn_Spacer: RscButtonSpacer
		idc = 1605;
		x = 0.304013 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.7442 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.334208 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.022 * safezoneH;

Here's the ui\jobs\init.sqf

_unit = player;
_display = _this select 0;


WS_GUI_Jobs_Display = _display;

_playerRank = _unit getVariable["playerRank", ""];
_playerRole = _unit getVariable["playerRole", ""];

if (_playerRank != "" && _playerRole != "") then {
// Medic
_left1_img = _display displayctrl 1200;
_left1_text = _display displayctrl 1100;
_left1_btn = _display displayctrl 1600;
_left1_text ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t align='center' size='1.25'>Medic</t><br /><t align='left' size='0.75'>- HEAL TO 100%<br />- 200% FASTER REVIVE<br />- GREAT RESPONSIBILITY</t>";

if (_playerRole == "medic") then {
	_left1_btn ctrlSetText "RESIGN";
	ctrlSetText [1600, "RESIGN"];
	buttonSetAction [1600, "[player] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_resign.sqf'"];
} else {
	_left1_btn ctrlSetText "CHOOSE ROLE";
	ctrlSetText [1600, "CHOOSE ROLE"];
	buttonSetAction [1600, "[player, 'medic'] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_switchUnit.sqf'"];

// Repair
_left2_img = _display displayctrl 1201;
_left2_text = _display displayctrl 1101;
_left2_btn = _display displayctrl 1601;
_left2_text ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t align='center' size='1.25'>Repair</t><br /><t align='left' size='0.75'>- REPAIR VEHICLES<br />- IFV ACCESS<br />- KEY ASSET</t>";

if (_playerRole == "repair") then {
	_left1_btn ctrlSetText "RESIGN";
	ctrlSetText [1601, "RESIGN"];
	buttonSetAction [1601, "[player] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_resign.sqf'"];
} else {
	_left1_btn ctrlSetText "CHOOSE ROLE";
	ctrlSetText [1601, "CHOOSE ROLE"];
	buttonSetAction [1601, "[player, 'repair'] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_switchUnit.sqf'"];

// Pilot
_right2_img = _display displayctrl 1202;
_right2_text = _display displayctrl 1102;
_right2_btn = _display displayctrl 1602;
_right2_text ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t align='center' size='1.25'>Pilot</t><br /><t align='left' size='0.75'>- PILOT ALL AIRCRAFTS<br />- PROVIDE CAS<br />- CONTROL UAV DRONES</t>";

if (_playerRole == "pilot") then {
	_left1_btn ctrlSetText "RESIGN";
	ctrlSetText [1602, "RESIGN"];
	buttonSetAction [1602, "[player] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_resign.sqf'"];
} else {
	_left1_btn ctrlSetText "CHOOSE ROLE";
	ctrlSetText [1602, "CHOOSE ROLE"];
	buttonSetAction [1602, "[player, 'pilot'] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_switchUnit.sqf'"];

// Sniper
_right1_img = _display displayctrl 1203;
_right1_text = _display displayctrl 1103;
_right1_btn = _display displayctrl 1603;
_right1_text ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t align='center' size='1.25'>Sniper</t><br /><t align='left' size='0.75'>- LONG RANGED<br />- PROVIDE RECON<br />- CAMOUFLAGED</t>";

if (_playerRole == "sniper") then {
	_left1_btn ctrlSetText "RESIGN";
	ctrlSetText [1603, "RESIGN"];
	buttonSetAction [1603, "[player] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_resign.sqf'"];
} else {
	_left1_btn ctrlSetText "CHOOSE ROLE";
	ctrlSetText [1603, "CHOOSE ROLE"];
	buttonSetAction [1603, "[player, 'sniper'] execVM 'ui\jobs\fn_switchUnit.sqf'"];

switch ( toUpper _playerRank ) do {
	case "PRIVATE": {
		ctrlEnable [1600, true];
		ctrlEnable [1601, false];
		ctrlEnable [1602, false];
		ctrlEnable [1603, false];
	case "CORPORAL": {
		ctrlEnable [1600, true];
		ctrlEnable [1601, true];
		ctrlEnable [1602, false];
		ctrlEnable [1603, false];
	case "SERGEANT": {
		ctrlEnable [1600, true];
		ctrlEnable [1601, true];
		ctrlEnable [1602, true];
		ctrlEnable [1603, false];
	case "LIEUTENANT": {
		ctrlEnable [1600, true];
		ctrlEnable [1601, true];
		ctrlEnable [1602, true];
		ctrlEnable [1603, true];

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Is the code behind onLoad supposed to be in quotation marks ? I looked up one of my dialogues and I don't have these.

onLoad = [] spawn Revo_fnc_onDialogueLoad;

Also, you can remove the check in the addaction if the unit is local. The unit that calls the addAction is always local.

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Is the code behind onLoad supposed to be in quotation marks ? I looked up one of my dialogues and I don't have these.

onLoad = [] spawn Revo_fnc_onDialogueLoad;

Also, you can remove the check in the addaction if the unit is local. The unit that calls the addAction is always local.

Not sure about the quotes, documentation on dialogs is scarce but I'll try it thanks

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Arma will automatically add quotes, but it's safer to just use them.

Your problem is likely caused by this line here:

WS_GUI_Jobs_Display = _display; 

You can only store displays in uiNamespace global variables. You also don't need to disable serialization since the display is being passed by reference. :)

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Arma will automatically add quotes, but it's safer to just use them.

Your problem is likely caused by this line here:

WS_GUI_Jobs_Display = _display; 

You can only store displays in uiNamespace global variables. You also don't need to disable serialization since the display is being passed by reference. :)

Ah okay, I got it all working with storing the display in WS_GUI_Jobs_Display but I'll change it to uiNamespace just to be sure :D

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Ah okay, I got it all working with storing the display in WS_GUI_Jobs_Display

Wait, really? Perhaps my memory was wrong...but I definitely had a similar issue recently that was solved by using uiNamespace. Weird.

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Wait, really? Perhaps my memory was wrong...but I definitely had a similar issue recently that was solved by using uiNamespace. Weird.

After changing it to uiNamespace it works exactly the same, but somehow it felt different.. more... reliable...

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You can only store displays in uiNamespace global variable

*facepalm* Not true at all.

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*facepalm* Not true at all.

Where would you say is the best place to store it?

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Where would you say is the best place to store it?

Store it wherever you think is best and suits your needs

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Well that's odd:

http://i.imgur.com/nFSidaE.jpg (127 kB)

No, what is odd is that you think this message means display can ONLY be stored in uiNamespace.

Also you get the same message (should not store in *mission namespace*) if you try to store in profileNamespace, so what does this tell you??? That missionNamespace == profileNamespace???

profileNamespace setVariable ["display", findDisplay 46]

Edited by Killzone_Kid

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The word "only" was obviously a mistake on my part, but to use your example:

missionNamespace gives an error

profileNamespace gives an error

uiNamespace doesn't give an error

Seems strange to conclude from this that missionNamespace == profileNamespace. More reasonable to conclude that uiNamespace doesn't produce an error and is therefore a safe place to store display variables. No?

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The word "only" was obviously a mistake on my part, but to use your example:

missionNamespace gives an error

profileNamespace gives an error

uiNamespace doesn't give an error

Seems strange to conclude from this that missionNamespace == profileNamespace. More reasonable to conclude that uiNamespace doesn't produce an error and is therefore a safe place to store display variables. No?

parsingNamespace also doesnt produce an error

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