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Editor Help - Individual Group Waypoints

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When I place a group of AI using the group tool, can I give each individual AI unit a way point without having it go though the leader of the group?

I'll explain a more detail:

I place a group containing 1 Sergeant that is incharge of 2 Corporals, and each Corporal is incharge of 2 Privates. I select one of the Privates with the waypoint tool and place the waypoint somewhere, but, the line goes from the Sergeant and not the Private, when I then go in game the WHOLE group is moving to that waypoint, now what I want is for only 1 unit to move to that waypoint, and spread the group this way.

Does anyone know how to do this?

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Not through the editor, you can use the move command on an individual AI, but when he reaches that position he will then rejoin the group.

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Does anyone know how to do this?

You can only give a waypoint to the group leader.


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