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How do I destroy buildings?

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I'm a noob when it comes to scripting and with Arma in general; but I've noticed that on occasion a tank shell or few will obliterate a nearby building and was hoping if I could manually do that but to all buildings in the nearby area...to simulate that 'warzone' effect of atmosphere.

Can anyone tell me a simple way of getting a building to be easier to destroy or have it already destroyed? thanks!

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In map in editor press the show "ID button" find ID of the building you want to destroy, and then put this into a trigger:

 (position this nearestobject [color="#FF0000"]building ID[/color]) setdammage 1

but in my experience this sometimes doesnt work. For example in Chrenogorsk it worked only on 3 buildings out of 10 i tried it on.

Also this might help: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_destroyCity related discussion: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?117377-Functions-and-Destroy-City

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Sorry if this is a stupid question but do I put the command in the on act box or the 'condition' box? and how do I destroy the building cause when I try shooting at it with my rifle...nothing happens.

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Yo put it in on act box, in condition box you just type "true". Also i remember that i had to do something else besides the trigger, unfortunately i dont remember what.

And why are you shooting at the building with rifle?

Edit: oh I missleaded you. Check this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?107250-Possible-to-remove-a-map-object-using-it-s-ID

Its long time i used this, and i actually used it only to see if it works. I never used it in mission.

Also why you dont use google? i just googled "Arma Editor Destroy building" And got like a ton of results. the above one is one of them.

Edited by Mirek

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what I do on arma 3 which should also work on arma 2 is: take a trigger an group it with the building. Inside where it says onact put this setdamage 1; and activate it how ever you want.

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