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Two questions about Sites module

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I love the simplicity of the Sites module, but getting it to work how I want has proven challenging. I haven't been able to find concrete answers to these questions:

1) if I wanted to make Sites work on a map other than Stratis/Altis, what would that require (if at all possible)?

2) how can I change the list of classnames that it will call upon, so that I might get (for instance) RHS or CAF guys instead of insane future warriors?

I've tried a couple Garrison scripts that can at least deal with issue #2, but issue #1 still comes up. For instance I cannot get men to man the towers at the various military outposts in Zargabad. (AiATP)

Any help appreciated!

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1) if a terrain has military cargo buildings in it by default, then the sites module should work on them.

The reason it doesn't work for the military buildings in Takistan/Chernarus/etc. is because the module is only meant for the vanilla military cargo buildings

2) I asked RHS about this and they said doing that is impossible

Edited by SomeSangheili

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I made a feedback tracker ticket on this. While I doubt it'd go as far as to make community terrains using arma 2 military buildings accessible to the sites module, it will hopefully allow community factions to be used by the module. VOTE FOR IT!

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You can over right the modules scripts via preinit todo/add what ever you like, The scripts are not handled by CfgFunctions so are not compiled final.

See my post in this thread with an example of adding new factions to the sites modules.

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