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Ammo Crates

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i dl the gunslinger thingy a long time ago but i just started using the ruins is ther a way to get the ammo crates on the verytop floor of the ruins plz help

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put this in the init field of the ammo crate.

this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, (getpos this select 2)+3]

change the last number for the hieght in meters. so ur looking at round 8m so change the 3 to 8 and keep testing it till u get it to the top.

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And you'll have to tweak it so that the crates are on the top instead of floating in the air.

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Do they? I've tested that command with cars and stuff like that and they just float in the air until you shoot them.

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yea i tryed it it worked i tryed putting a hummer in the air at 100 it didnt fall until i shot it and it fell thru my castle :-)

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I've tried landing a chopper on the castle and just bounced off.

Why doesnt' this work the same way?

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all my objects have fallin. and i think i have figured out y the bloody things keep bouncin around. i dont think that they have specified the weight properly to most units.

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or that could be a simple glitch that they haven't noticed.

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Apparently one of the fixes in 1.4 is better crate/barrel physics/simulation or something like that.

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