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Condition of Arrays

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I'm needing some guidance/help. I'm no expert to when it comes to scripting, but have been working on a mix of scripts that i am putting together for a mission design i hope to release soon.


What i am trying to do is the following:

There is going to be 1 Array with a list of available CARs selected at random. From that selected One, i then want to compare if this one exists in a second array. I'll then be using a If THEN ELSE code.

So example:

_possible = ["CAR1","CAR2","CAR3"];

_EXECLUDE = ["CAR1","CAR2"];

_randomcar = _possible select (floor random count _possible);

If (_randomcar != _EXECLUDE) then


} else {


Of course i know there is a few issues with the above example. I also tried:

If (_randomcar != "car1" OR "car2") then

But this didnt work either. So yea i'm stuck. Any help would be appreciated.

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if !(_randomcar in _EXCLUDE) then {};

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Wow...LMAO. Thanks JShock, you're awesome ;) Cant believe it was that simple :)

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You could also do

_possible = _possible - _EXECLUDE

and skip the condition entirely.

Thanks for the tip. Code above worked great. Thanks guys

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