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Coder for custom mod syncing tool for our unit wanted.

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I am currently searching for someone who could code a custom arma 3 addon syncing tool / launcher for our unit (22nd ETF) or atleast someone who can tell me how to setup the FTP Server and get addons synced.

The documentation about arma3sync is poorly written and I could not find out what steps have to be done to get a repo done that syncs the mods with the mods on the FTP server.

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I'd give A3S another go. It's not that hard to figure out if you just try it out a bit.

Most surefire (probably easiest) way of doing it.

1. Create local folder

2. Copy all your wanted mods into folder from step 1.

3. Add a repo in A3S with your FTP server details (as where the repo will be reachable from after step 5).

4. Open your newly created repo (disregard any errors regarding missing files), click the cogwheel, select the "Main folder location" and then do a build.

5. Upload to your FTP

6. Done, try it out.

7. ???

8. Profit! ;)

Repeat half of step 4 and then 5 each time you want to update the repo.

Later steps might me to dwell into the build option and also utilize the built-in upload funtionality, but dig in to that after getting the repo up and running and maybe create another one to test stuff out with. A3S might not be super intuitive, but click-n-try take you a long way :)

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