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How do I make a perfect translation on the y-axis?

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I'm trying to make a window on a vehicle roll down.

I tried using type TranslationY but that is limited to only moving upwards.

So I have to use the regular type translation so i need an axis or a begin&end mem point but how do I make these mem points perfectly aligned with the window so that the window only moves down and not a little bit towards left or right.

Kind regards,


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I'm trying to make a window on a vehicle roll down.

I tried using type TranslationY but that is limited to only moving upwards.

So I have to use the regular type translation so i need an axis or a begin&end mem point but how do I make these mem points perfectly aligned with the window so that the window only moves down and not a little bit towards left or right.

Kind regards,


Can place one of your vertex axis points, lock movement to the Y axis in the viewport (press the [Y] key or the green Y button in the toolbar) and copy and paste your memory point before moving it down in your selected viewport. Press [Y] again to bring back X/Y movement in the viewport or click the corresponding button in the toolbar.

Can also 0 scale the points in the X and/or Z axis to align them along Y. Select the verts, press [Shift+C] to activate the pin at the centre of your current selection (should look like a cross with a small circle in it) then use the Scale Points tool (the 3rd Yellow cube-looking button along the toolbar) with values of 0 in the X and/or Z input boxes while leaving a value of 1 in the Y axis box.

You can snap the pin to vertexes in your window model by pressing [C] (or [Shift+C] if the pin isn't previously activated) while the vert you want to align to is selected, and again use 0 scaling values to align memory points to these pinned points in a specific axis.

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Can place one of your vertex axis points, lock movement to the Y axis in the viewport (press the [Y] key or the green Y button in the toolbar) and copy and paste your memory point before moving it down in your selected viewport. Press [Y] again to bring back X/Y movement in the viewport or click the corresponding button in the toolbar.

Can also 0 scale the points in the X and/or Z axis to align them along Y. Select the verts, press [Shift+C] to activate the pin at the centre of your current selection (should look like a cross with a small circle in it) then use the Scale Points tool (the 3rd Yellow cube-looking button along the toolbar) with values of 0 in the X and/or Z input boxes while leaving a value of 1 in the Y axis box.

You can snap the pin to vertexes in your window model by pressing [C] (or [Shift+C] if the pin isn't previously activated) while the vert you want to align to is selected, and again use 0 scaling values to align memory points to these pinned points in a specific axis.

Cheers, after posting I remembered the PIN tool and centered the pin tool on my selection, then placed a point directly on the pin (as INS does), copy, lock y-axis, paste, move down.

I will try messing about with that scaling method you explained as well though, thanks.

Kind regards,


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