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is this perilous performance drop ever going to be fixed?

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I've posted about this before in other threads, but some 4 patches later, nothing has changed and I'm losing patience.

Again, since about 3 or 4 patches (by my estimation) there was a loss in overall performance, which is already unacceptable, but there was the loss in MP performance, and also ever since I'm unable to do any kind of mission making because there seems to be some kind of memory leak where in entering loading phases chips away at the performance until the game grinds to a screeching halt. Obviously when editing missions you have to do a lot of loading to check placement and test the mission etc.

AI also seem to drag on performance more than ever. Previously we could play missions on a listen server with fairly high counts and plenty of scripts going on. Now dropping two ai units down in the editor (or using a mod like MCC) and playing makes the game drag. In MP with a complete mission, we might get 30 minutes of barely acceptable frames (read: high 20s - i use the term "acceptable" loosely) until it gets ridiculously slow. Forget about loading subsequent missions without restarting the client. The want isn't even that great - I'd be happy with ~ 40 fps as long as it was somewhat consistent. I'd settle for mid 30s. But when the game is routinely dropping into 20s or even the teens, it's beyond a joke.

All this has made it virtually impossible for us to play on anything other than dedicated servers running low impact missions - removing nearly all the utility and fun i get out of arma.

The lack of clear response from BI on this and matters of performance in general is infuriating. Putting salt on the wound is there is no clear indication as to WHY this has happened. Theres no new graphical effects, no new textures, etc. The only thing I can think that was a major change was the sound re-work but I doubt this has anything to do with it.

Its further infuriating that many die-hard fans on this forum display a willful ignorance of the problems. I won't post PC specs because I know it will be used to conveniently handwave away why these problems happen - dancing around the fact that this wasn't an issue a handful of patches ago.

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Mabye bad coding by missionmaker ore to many @mods.

Tjek rpt files .

We don't have this issiues

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