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u said that making a manual would be really cool but no one can be bothered to help. i have 2 people helping thats all. u all know wot to do and i know u could make ur own tutorial if u really wanted to help but u can't be bothered. hello we're a team!!! sad.gif

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Well lazy I'm not but I've choosen not to help out due to several causes: 1) I'm working on a beginners guide to the editor aswell as mini scripting but in norwegian language 2) to make it efficient working on such projects a "database" or work-list need to be used, to keep control of the info and who does what and when etc. 3) no offence but I find the idea good but the way it started bit "we don't think far ahead, its a cool idea lets get started" .. that might work but you dont get the good people that way :-) and 4) again no offence but I'll find persons using 14 year old language full of u did r u so l33t etc kinda inmature to take on such a project so that alone is a good reason to stay on the sideline :-) (no offence to anyone but I'm -older- than average person in here smile.gif

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htf do i use 14 yr old language?

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I could help out if someone needs my skills. I own a corporate application development company and have been doing web projects using ASP, Javascript, etc.. accessing back end databases such as Access and SQL for YEARS. If I could be of any service, I would help out as much as possible to anyone. Oh, I also know Swedish Birkoff, not that that helps at all. lol. I use to live in Kiruna Sweden for 1 year, and then Umea for 1.5 years. I did alot of learning then, but.. it has been about 10 years. lol

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Working 12 hour shifts aint workin for me either...

I'll try!!! smile.gif

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thx junglebudz but i know that language i just need someone to do tutorials for me. people read the d*amn posts but neva reply.

and i know that 70% of the people on this forum have got the skill and know how to they just can't be assed.

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No Problem, well.. writing tuts is out for me.. I still classify myself as a beginner and just submitted my first mission to Flashpoint Arena called 'Alpha Butler'. Curious to see good and bad remarks on it. So, anyways, I was only offering the abilities that alot do not have. For instance - I also do all my ASP three teared with VB components running under com services with rollbacks etc. Basically, I don't think anyone here can out perform by web-based code, but then again... maybe. lol. 8 years of C and VB as well as doing ASP from it's conception, pretty well solidifies my professionism in those areas. So, if you ever get stuck with something, just let me know and I will be glad to give you some direction.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Rob on 3:08 am on Dec. 25, 2001

htf do i use 14 yr old language?

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Not that it matters but the quote above says pretty much what my point was. Take a minute and think about it, do you talk to your wife / teacher / mother / father / boss in that way ? "wtf u want" etc etc etc.

I don't doubt you have the skills regarding scripting language etc, but to write a good documentation a good strong english language is required and not "ur so l33t, wtf u mean" type of childish code.

Take a good look at Avon Lady's faq and the language used there, how often do you see l33t "d u do this" type of sentences there ?

Take your "Y R U LOT SO LAZY? " topic, brilliant example again.

A good idea would be to relax, cool down get back to plain english and ask nicely who wanna help and what areas people can help with. Some are brillant in html(make a webpage?) others knows the editor back and forth, some are excellent scripters etc..

Anyways good luck :-)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from MotherRussiaAK74 on 6:25 am on Dec. 25, 2001

Not much "-older-" if you resort to things like that. :rolleyes:

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Well imagine this, a salesperson coming upfront to you and wanna sell this cheap car, the salesperson look like trash, haven't been washed in few years, dirty broken clothes etc.. would you buy a car from him ?

Point is, first impression decides where to go, wether to read a doc , answer a question in a forum etc or buy that car.

So when I see a documentation like Avon Lady's excellent faq both informative and well written I read on, my ofp friends likes it and reads it. But if the language used is weak full of typing errors or short terms like a 14 year prefer to use when sending sms etc its more likely that the doc never is read, nor help is given.

Ok I'm picky but if you wanna do it, do it correct, do it properly and make it 1st class.

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i dont always write like this thankyou very much. i only do it when im half a sleep... and for your information i have been up day and night trying to get this manual and campaign well under way.

i mean who cares how i say it. i dont, u know wot i mean and its only bloody slang. of course i dont use it in my reports. as you can see im rather awake now.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Rob on 2:08 am on Dec. 25, 2001

htf do i use 14 yr old language?

<span id='postcolor'>

...... Im a 14 and I don't think I use a different language........ I am trying to learn Elvish.... but thats just me being lame.

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look u guys your not helping at all. actually you make me feel sick that i might have to move to some other forum.

the only reason why i use the language is because i used to be in one of the best CS clans on the net and when your trying to pass on messages how long do you think it takes to write a full sentence in proper english than in slang!!!? those extra seconds can be your last and ruin the game for the whole clan...

i have just used it because its faster and i haven't stopped using it yet.

o and thanks for the encouragement mad.gif

(Edited by Rob at 11:47 pm on Dec. 25, 2001)

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then if you dont know anything why are you a maniac?

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I've offered my help, but you don't want to tell me what you need, so, basically, I can't be "arsed".

If you give me something to do I'll do it. For example init a-k or something. And tell me how you want it.

I'm not gonna be "arsed" spending a lot of time on this if it's gonna just be turned back to be done again some other way, or just not used at all because someone else has done it.

As for the slang. WTF? Who gives a f**k? I'm 21 and I use it sometimes. Some of them are good, like wtf for example. It's a little less offensive than the uncensored version. You use words like doc, etc, faq, html, info. What's the difference? Why do you do it? Cause it's easier, hey! Grow up and let them msg how they wanna msg.

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aahhh finally someone that has backed me up. thx.

i tried to get that across to them.. hgaf!!!

i was gunna put the work i have done so far on RED's page but for some reason the servers down.

basically what i need doing is a really nice detailed description of the capabilities of the init field and most of the lines you can use. such as

this setbehaviour "safe" and the effects etc. im trying to get people to do us the triggers aswell.

if you want i could send u the work i have done via icq.

then you could see how i want it laid out.

hope u can help amos. thx alot.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Rob on 2:14 am on Dec. 26, 2001

then if you dont know anything why are you a maniac?

<span id='postcolor'>

I know other stuff and can do this little thing called spam but thats about all.

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