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Why bikes and Minis?.....

DO people really play with those vehicles? Is it just for fun?

Why are those vehicles released? this is suposed to be a war simulator...If you want to keep working on it do new militar vehicles. If you want to do minis do a racing game

I know that is hard to keep working on the same thing for a long time, and that some artist want to do some joke stuff they like and see it ingame.....but.......enough jokes so far.

With O2 released I think that there will be (they already are) lot of "jokes" to download.

I used to think that the official stuff was the good one.....but I'm still waiting for a BI Huey....or any new army vehicle.

If those artist want to do their stuff I'm very happy for them to do it but please do not tell us that is a great advance or a great new vehicle.....we simply don't buy it.

I'm a huge fan of Flashpoint and I'm a bit frustrated with every new "update".....Sorry if I sound mean but it's because I like this game so much.

Please do a Huey or a Stallion....anithing but minis.

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I dont see why this is not in the 1.85 update discussion, but anyway I have no problem with having some civilian stuff in game. If you want something else, you can always make it yourself smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I dont see why this is not in the 1.85 update discussion<span id='postcolor'>

It should be.

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