highlander_xwg 10 Posted June 6, 2015 Hello, I am new to scripting for Arma 3 and have learned a lot from reading these forums and from testing on my own. but have run into a situation that has me pulling my hair out (what little I have left). Situation; Player finds intel and that in turn will place a marker a set distance from the camp they have to search for. Using Dynamic Object Compositions for the camps and there are about 10 different locations for the camps to spawn on mission start. Problem; How to attach the intel marker to the camp when it has random spawn points and still have it 1000 to 2000 meters away from the camp. This is a coop mission that will run on a server so every thing needs to be JIP compatible. I have searched but not finding anything that works. Could be I'm not searching for the correct issue. Any ideals how this can be accomplished? Or is there an easier way to go about this? Have Game Logic that calls the DOC in the Init field. deleteVehicle this; 0 = [position this, 0, call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "base.sqf"))] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper; With it grouped to markers for spawn point. Example DOC; if (!isServer) exitWith{}; [["CamoNet_BLUFOR_big_F",[0.409276,-0.915642,0.0102372],19.0739], ["Box_NATO_Grenades_F",[3.27023,0.316616,0.0102367],-178.5], ["Box_NATO_WpsSpecial_F",[3.06536,-1.57808,0.0102363],-268.531], ["Box_NATO_Ammo_F",[3.30655,1.72482,0.0102367],-180.645], ["Box_NATO_AmmoOrd_F",[3.37508,3.13166,0.0102363],-179.925], ["B_supplyCrate_F",[3.00844,-3.63219,0.0102406],-268.532], ["Land_CampingTable_small_F",[-4.36965,3.0923,0.0102363],0.698914], ["Land_CampingChair_V1_F",[-4.2254,4.14537,0.0133615],13.3715], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[2.45836,6.06435,0.761237],19.2938], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[2.41274,6.13469,0.0112371],-162.175], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-0.498345,6.62974,0.0112371],-179.478], ["Box_NATO_WpsLaunch_F",[6.87865,0.882707,0.0102367],-268.531], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-3.34194,6.09178,0.0112371],-22.6867], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-3.38106,6.09905,0.761237],-21.9483], ["Box_NATO_Support_F",[6.80312,-1.71033,0.0102367],-268.531], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[4.97468,4.95311,0.0112371],29.6833], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-5.72465,4.60162,0.0112371],-43.3347], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-7.26471,2.34277,0.761237],-251.751], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-7.30731,2.37433,0.0112371],-250.102], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[7.0881,3.15074,0.0112371],-127.152], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[7.23682,2.90262,0.761237],-126.181], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-7.79357,-0.410778,0.0112371],-90.4194], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[8.1078,0.750083,0.0112371],-98.2282], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-7.5299,-3.3523,0.761237],-281.257], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-7.54725,-3.33745,0.0112371],-280.984], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[8.25357,-2.10176,0.0112371],-86.9522], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[8.21985,-2.63034,0.761237],-264.49], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-6.40341,-6.02209,0.0112371],-123.554], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-4.54688,-8.02783,0.761237],-144.025], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[7.84008,-4.90419,0.0112371],-76.2073], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[-4.38438,-8.17768,0.0112371],-143.357], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[6.45104,-7.23635,0.0112371],-41.7619], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F",[6.60917,-7.11445,0.761237],-219.214]] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted June 7, 2015 Quick fix would be to set a variable from the gamelogic when it spawns the camp e.g 0 = [position this, 0, call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "base.sqf"))] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper; camp = getPosATL this; deleteVehicle this; Then when you find the intel create your marker at the position.. campMarkerPos = [camp, (random 1000) + 1000, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; //createMarker at pos campMarkerPos Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
highlander_xwg 10 Posted June 9, 2015 Thanks for the reply Larrow, When I test this the marker never shows up. Every thing else works but no maker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joe98 92 Posted June 9, 2015 Maybe the marker has turned up but it is so small you cannot see it. Set the size of the marker. . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
highlander_xwg 10 Posted June 13, 2015 Maybe the marker has turned up but it is so small you cannot see it. Set the size of the marker. . Hmm being new to coding I am not sure how this would be done. I would control that form the line used when the intel is found yes? campMarkerPos = [camp, (random 1000) + 1000, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
austin_medic 109 Posted June 13, 2015 bi wiki is very helpful in combination with search function in the browser: myMarker setMarkerSize[25,25]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites