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Issue with Bis_fnc_kbMenu

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I've been trying to get Bis_fnc_kbMenu to work and I'm going absolutely mental. I'm calling it with

[["TEST","['Safehouse','Manhattan',['JNA_SAFEHOUSE_COOPER_SEARCHED_0','JNA_SAFEHOUSE_COOPER_SEARCHED_0'],nil,nil,true]"]] execVM "test2.sqf" 

(I'm using test2.sqf as I copied the code out so I could play around with it a bit).

Basically I can get to the point where the line that calls Bis_fnc_kbTell looks like it should (tested with copyToClipboard), I can get it to the point where I can immediately plug it manually into Bis_fnc_kbTell and it works, but in context (i.e. when being called) it comes up with 'Manhattan' not found in cfgSentences, but when doing it manually it works absolutely fine. I can't find a single working example of this anywhere, I'm confident it's never popped up in an official mission.

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If you put a hint or copyToClipboard inside the function you copied, toward the bottom above the line _kbArray call bis_fnc_kbTell, then you will see the problem. When the code creates _kbArray, it leaves the original quotes intact and come up with something like this: ["'090_ambient_special_00','A_hub',nil, 'DIRECT', nil, nil, 1"]. The problem is that the entire array is still a string, and you can't call bis_fnc_kbTell like that or you'll get that error.

So I changed a little of the code (roughly around line 80) in there like this:

_kbArray = call compile (_kbArray select 0); // new line of code
_kbArray call bis_fnc_kbTell;
_result = bis_fnc_kbMenu_menu;

That will compile the original quotes out of it.

To test it I put this into my init.sqf:

BIS_fnc_testMenu = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\BIS_fnc_kbMenu.sqf";
waitUntil { !isNil "BIS_fnc_testMenu" };
_topic = "['090_ambient_special_00','A_hub',nil, 'DIRECT', nil, nil, 1]";
_result = [
["Display Name", _topic]
] call BIS_fnc_testMenu;

For full effect, you'll need a unit named 'BIS_AlphaMemberA' and another named 'BIS_AlphaMemberB'.

BTW, that function returns a value, so execVM will not work with it.

Final note: I don't know if it's a bug in the function, or if it's just being called differently than BIS imagined.

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Legend, I got to using _kbArray select 0 but my attempts at using call compile just ended badly, must have been using it wrong. Thank you very much.

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