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Parachute question

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completing my series of really stupid questions, what do i put in a trigger to make a unit parachute out of a chopper at a certain location. thanks....

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_aunits = units teamleadername

_i = 0

_j = count _aunits


(_aunits select _i) action ["EJECT",choppername]

unassignvehicle (_aunits select _i)



?_j>_i:goto "Here"


Just use player exec "whatever.sqs" to activate.

Merry christmas.

(Edited by MP at 6:50 am on Dec. 25, 2001)

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thats if he knows how to put it in a script in the first place.

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Well you only gotta cut and paste and save as "whatever.sqs".

You could've told him that if it isn't obvious.

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If you just got 1 or 2 unit/s to jump, put in the activation field of a trigger or WP:

unitname Action ["EJECT", heloname]

(Edited by Intruder at 2:13 pm on Dec. 26, 2001)

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That was a nice way to do it with little coding, however, I thought the UnAssign command was necessary whenever a unit exits a vehicle, won´t the chopper come back and get´em?

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Yup, thats true hindhunter, You need to unassign the unit from the chopper so he doesn't try to get back in.

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