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side arm memory points?

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looking at the arma 2 side arm models they have some memory points that confuse me when i see them, the "pistol" and the "slide" selections in the memory lod. can anyone tell me what these are for? are they needed for side arms or something?

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are they needed for side arms or something?

They're only in the M1911 and M9 models so you definitely don't need them.

The 'Pistol' and 'Slide' selections in the memory LOD are the nabojnicestart/nabojniceend memory points grouped together and with some vertex weights painted on them to control how much they animate with the 'Pistol' and 'Slide' bones in the model.cfg.

I assume it might have been done with the intention of allowing the nabojnicestart/nabojniceend memory points (which control the position and direction of bullet casing ejection) to animate along with the Slide when it moves backwards after the pistol fires

You can see on other pistol models (like the Glock or Makarov) that they just put the nabojnicestart/nabojniceend memory points further back so that are in roughly the correct place to eject casings when the slide is all the way back.

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