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Waypoint facing?

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I have set up a small test mission where I'm giving several waypoints to a unit using the "random patrol" module.

I can get the unit to go to the end point and even set their stance to my liking, but they always end up facing random directions.

Is there any way to have a unit turn to face a specific direction when it reaches that end waypoint?

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i guess you could do something like this

in the waypoint onAct field you need to put

_nul = [

  1. ,direction to face] execvm "unitsfacedir.sqf";


_units = _this select 0;
_dir = _this select 1;
_pos = [_unit,_dir,100] call bis_fnc_relpos;

_units commandWatch _pos;

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Thanks Bull_A.

I haven't tried your solution (yet), but I continued messing around until I found something that seems to work okay;

Place a waypoint with this in the “On Act†field;

this setPosATL [14594.7,16754.9,3.72901]; this setunitpos "middle"; this commandWatch [14754.9,16510,1000];

In this example, as soon as the unit reaches the waypoint, this specific bit of script will place it on the SW roof section of the Main Airport Terminal. He will be crouching and watching 1000m above the taxiway to the SW of his position.

Not ideal, but it gets the job done. I just wish that I could have him watch a general direction as opposed to a specific point.

I consider this answered, but would like to hear any other workarounds folks may have.

Thanks again for the quick reply.

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Never seen that command, learn something new everyday :)

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