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kbtell passing a variable

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I've noticed that with kbtell I can actually string together multiple sounds to be used in a singular radio message.

Example this will play r_alpha.ogg followed by r_move.ogg :

class testspeech
	text = "Alpha moving";
	speech[] = {"\Sounds\r_alpha.ogg","\Sounds\r_move.ogg"};
	gesture = "gestureGo";
	class Arguments {};

I am just wondering if its possible to send variables to the bikb file and use them in the following manner:

speech[] = {"\Sounds\(_this select 0)","\Sounds\(_this select 1)"};

If so how would I send them via the kbtell command?

Currently I use the following for civilian screams when firednear when calling kbtell:

_unit kbTell [_unit,"scream",_scream];

_scream being a format string with random numeric value that calls one of 8 screams.

If for example I wanted to pass a variable through kbtell would it be possible like this for example or some way similar?:

_unit kbTell [_unit,"scream",_scream,["r_alpha.ogg"]];


EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out:

class Sentences
   class rejcs_radio_1
	text = "%Team %Order %EndMsg";
	speech[] = {%Team,%Order,%EndMsg};
	gesture = "";
	class Arguments 
	   class Team {type = "simple";};
	   class Order {type = "simple";};
	   class EndMsg {type = "simple";};
class Arguments{};
class Special{};
startWithVocal[] = {};
startWithConsonant[] = {};

And use the following kbtell:

_groupIdText = "Alpha"; 
_groupIdFileName = "\Sounds\r_alpha.ogg";
_groupTaskRadioText = "Moving!";
_groupTaskRadioFileName = "\Sounds\r_moving.ogg";
_groupRadioEndMsgText = "Over!";
_groupRadioEndMsgFileName = "\Sounds\r_over.ogg";

_groupLeader kbTell [player,"rejcs_radio","rejcs_radio_1",["Team",{},_groupIdText ,[_groupIdFileName]],["Order",{},_groupTaskRadioText,[_groupTaskRadioFileName]],["EndMsg",{},_groupRadioEndMsgText,[_groupRadioEndMsgFileName]]];

Edited by Rejenorst

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Is KB tell an addon I do not see hardly any info on it wvwn When I google it

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kbtell is a command for ARMA's conversation system. kbtell is the command to get a unit to say a particular sentence. In all the conversation system is a flexible way of creating a list of conversational sentences linked with their text and sound files etc. Its a tad more complicated than using sideRadio etc though.

For more information check here, (commands are linked in the post): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?91875-New-conversation-system-how-to

Related commands:




Also if anyone knows where I can find the list of native radio commands I would much appreciate it. I noticed that typing in things like Alpha results in the unit saying "Move to Alpha" etc.

Edited by Rejenorst

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That contains the sounds themselves but I am just looking for classnames of the sounds to call.

class Sentences
   class rejcs_radio_1
	text = "%Radcall ";
	speech[] = {%Radcall};
	gesture = "";
	class Arguments 
	   class Radcall {type = "simple";};
class Arguments{};
class Special{};
startWithVocal[] = {};
startWithConsonant[] = {};

for example this will result in the unit saying "Move to point Alpha". "Alpha" being the sound class called I assume in the relevant unit's voice.

_groupLeader kbTell [player,"rejcs_radio","rejcs_radio_1",["Radcall",{},_"Move to point alpha!",["Alpha"]]]

Edited by Rejenorst

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Ok! I'm sorry. i'm not sure if i understand your guestion correctly. If i use KBtell with arma 3 default sounds, i look sounds from "RadioProtocolENG " and create class for it.

		class Airplane
	text = ;
	speech[] = {veh_air_plane_p};
	class Arguments {};

player kbTell [player ,"All_sounds","Airplane","SIDE"]};

Edit. So you are looking way to use kbtell with arma default sounds, without creating class. So my post dont help you :)

Edited by MikkoL

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I think your right. I was just looking at this:


I did make a class but you can specify what you want it to say by using arguments so in my above example the class "Radcall" is whatever code you specify in the kbtell.

I will try and test some of those sounds in the above link.

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