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About mikkol

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  1. Well hello there boys & girls! I'm working on a Rts mission where you command your groups from "birds eye view". Now i would like to somehow visualize "mission area / trigger edges". Similar way to "Zeus - Add camera area module" does. Right now my when I leave from "trigger area" post-process effects will affect my camera. Like in the gif below. Example video Ofcourse this works good, but i would like to someway visualize trigger edges also. Anybody got any good ideas ? 🙂 I hope my explanation was understandable. To mention I know "BIS_fnc_drawAO" and also looked into "Zeus - Add camera area module" . And I believe it wont work without Zeus. Also searched this forum and found this topic.
  2. Yea! now i got it. I was overthinking this. Haha! Thanks !
  3. Hey killzone_kid! I know that command but My question was IS there a way to use that with drawline3d? ( Or Better way than drawline3d).Drawline3d uses start and endposition. Sorry For asking stupid questions. And yeah! I know how to Google but im not expert at scripting.
  4. Hey there! Is there any way to draw curved lines with drawline3d ? Or is there a better way to do that? in 3d space. I'm trying to draw line from player to mouseposition with curve. I can get straight line with this code: { _line = addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame", { drawLine3D [ASLToAGL eyepos player, getpos ML_Mouse, [1,0,0,1]]; }]}; Is there a way to use bezierInterpolation with drawLine3D?
  5. Ok! I'm sorry. i'm not sure if i understand your guestion correctly. If i use KBtell with arma 3 default sounds, i look sounds from "RadioProtocolENG " and create class for it. class Airplane { text = ; speech[] = {veh_air_plane_p}; class Arguments {}; }; player kbTell [player ,"All_sounds","Airplane","SIDE"]}; Edit. So you are looking way to use kbtell with arma default sounds, without creating class. So my post dont help you :)
  6. dubbing_radio_f -> RadioProtocolENG
  7. ok! Atleast for testing purpose im using your function. I changed to kk_fnc_groupfromnetid.
  8. Yeah! Two boxes relevant to each other. This is my first gui stuff with arma , so maybe my code is confusing :). With "lbCurSel" i mean "selected group in grouplist box". Thanks Larrow for help! gonna test your code. Added pics to explain what im trying to do.
  9. Thanks DreadedEntity and Killzone_Kid. I got it working with "KK_fnc_netId" & "KK_fnc_objectFromNetId" and "cases". _index = lbCurSel 1500; switch (_index) do { case 0: { _getNetId = "0:1" call KK_fnc_objectFromNetId; _Group = Group _getNetId; _Leader = (Leader _Group); _Name = Name _Leader; player sidechat format ["%1",_Name]; _GrouplistDialog = (findDisplay 1734) displayCtrl 1600; _addThisToListBox = _Name; _GrouplistDialog lbAdd _addThisToListBox; }; case 1: { _getNetId = "0:2" call KK_fnc_objectFromNetId; _Group = Group _getNetId; _Leader = (Leader _Group); _Name = Name _Leader; player sidechat format ["%1",_Name]; _GrouplistDialog = (findDisplay 1734) displayCtrl 1600; _addThisToListBox = _Name; _GrouplistDialog lbAdd _addThisToListBox; }; }; Next step is try to get this working "dynamically" so that I wouldn't have to create "case" to every group.
  10. Where i should call "BIS_fnc_objectVar" ? every variation i tried ended with "Type string, expected object".
  11. Hey! Can somebody help me with getting data from listbox to another listbox? I cheked this older thread, but it isnt exactly what i'm looking for. Or i dont know how to use those codes :D http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184556-How-to-return-data-of-selected-listbox-lbCurSel-returns-number What i'm trying to do is get group from first listbox and get group leader name to second listbox. In first listbox i have all groups //Grouplist box disableSerialization; waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 1734)}; lbClear 1500; _friendlyside = side player; { if ((side _x) == _friendlyside) then { _groupname= groupid _x; _GrouplistDialog = (findDisplay 1734) displayCtrl 1500; _addThisToListBox = _groupname; _GrouplistDialog lbAdd _addThisToListBox; }; } forEach allgroups; So First listbox works but in second listbox i got error "Type string, expected object". Second listbox //Second listbox disableSerialization; lbClear 1600; _index = lbCurSel 1500; _text = lbText [1500, _index]; lbSetData [1500, _index, _text]; _data = lbData [1500, _index]; //How do i get actual group, not STRING _Group = Group _data; _Leader = (Leader _Group); player sideChat format ["%1",_Leader]; _GrouplistDialog = (findDisplay 1734) displayCtrl 1600; _addThisToListBox = _Group; _GrouplistDialog lbAdd _addThisToListBox; obviously Second listbox dont work. So i need to get the actual "group" not "String" of group :)
  12. Thanks Killzone_Kid!. Problem is that i really dont know how to use these filters. gonna try something :)
  13. Hey! Does anybody know is there a way to add equalizer or filter to default arma 3 audio samples via scripting and without creating an new addon? I'm using kbtell with arma 3 sound samples from arma 3 root dir. I would like to add some eq to cut low-end and boost some mid-high. I could use external software to edit samples, but mission file size would become to big.
  14. Thanks! i will try that. ---------- Post added at 09:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ---------- Edit. For some reason it's not working. Is something wrong with this ? init = "_this animate (""hideturret"",1);";. i also checked this page, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Event_Handlers EDIT 2. Now it working. Needed to add class AnimationSources /*extern*/ class DefaultEventHandlers; class CfgPatches { class Marid_black_ML { units[] = {"Marid_Black1_ML"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion[] = {"0.100000"}; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Armor_F"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { /*extern*/ class O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F; class Marid_black_ML: O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F { scope = 2; _generalMacro = "O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F"; displayName = "Marid Black ML"; side = 1; crew = "B_crew_F"; faction = "BLU_F"; vehicleClass = "Armored"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1", "Camo2", "Camo3"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ML_Addons\Marid\marid1.paa", "ML_Addons\Marid\marid2.paa", "ML_Addons\Marid\marid1.paa"}; class eventHandlers { init = "_this animate (""hideturret"",1);"; }; }; };