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arma2netmysql Result

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all i get in the debug message is ["0"] so how would i manage to check if thats the name? i tried to do if (blahblah == ['0']) then {}; but did not work :P

       private ["_return","_UserAccount"];

_return = _this select 0;
_return = call compile _return;
_return = (_return select 0) select 0;

DB_User_Exist = _return;
systemChat format ["Debug: %1",DB_User_Exist];

if (count (DB_User_Exist) == 0) then {
	RPP_DBChecked = true;
	RPP_NewPlayer = true;
	_msg = "Profile not found, Creating Profile please wait...";
	_color = RPP_Yellow;
	[_msg,_color] call RPP_MessageSystem;
	[] call RPP_MySQL_Client_CreateNewUser;
	RPP_DBChecked = true;
	RPP_NewPlayer = false;
	[] call RPP_MySQL_Client_LoadStats;
	_msg = "Profile Found, Loading stats...";
	_color = RPP_Green;
	[_msg,_color] call RPP_MessageSystem;

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if (blah in ['0']) then {};

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i think i explained it about wrong, this is what i can't get working

if (count (DB_User_Exist) == 0) then {

it wont really check it if it's 0 because it's ['0'] so it alweys says Profile found, loading stats

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:52 ----------

got it working i just did this :P

if ("0" in DB_User_Exist) then {
	RPP_DBChecked = true;
	RPP_NewPlayer = true;
	_msg = "Profile not found, Creating Profile please wait...";
	_color = RPP_Yellow;
	[_msg,_color] call RPP_MessageSystem;
	[] call RPP_MySQL_Client_CreateNewUser;
	RPP_DBChecked = true;
	RPP_NewPlayer = false;
	[] call RPP_MySQL_Client_LoadStats;
	_msg = "Profile Found, Loading stats...";
	_color = RPP_Green;
	[_msg,_color] call RPP_MessageSystem;

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