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BIS Revive with Spectator

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Hey guys!

I'm trying to create a respawn template using Bohemia's vanilla revive (implemented in the recent 1.44 update) along with the spectator respawn type. Basically, I want players to go into spectator mode after they have bled out (no actual respawn, but spectator). If they get revived, they go on fighting like normal. If all players bleed out / enter spectate mode, the mission should end.

I've put this in my description.ext:

[i]respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive","Spectate"};[/i]

but I don't think it is working. The revive template will work alongside the "BASE" respawn function, but it doesn't seem to be working with spectate.

Any help is appreciated! :)

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Just to clarify, I changed "Spectate" to the correct "Spectator". So that is not the issue.

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Did you apply the other parameters that (at least in End Game) are supposed to go with the Revive template? Namely respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 15; and respawnOnStart = -1; though End Game also has MenuPosition in its respawnTemplates array.

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Did you apply the other parameters that (at least in End Game) are supposed to go with the Revive template? Namely respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 15; and respawnOnStart = -1; though End Game also has MenuPosition in its respawnTemplates array.

Yes, I've tried that also. Here's my full description.ext:

// Mission Header
class Header
 gameType = Coop;
 minPlayers = 1;
 maxPlayers = 7;

OnLoadName = "Stratis Operations";
OnLoadMission = "NATO Peacekeepers @ Stratis Airbase";
joinUnassigned = 1;
enableDebugConsole = 2;
allowFunctionsLog = 1;

// description.ext settings
respawn = 3;
respawnDelay = 5;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive", "Spectator"};
respawnOnStart = -1;
disabledAI = 1;

(By the way, I've made sure to test this with two players logged in to the server). I have set respawn to 3 (base). When the player gets incapacitated, revive works perfectly fine. Once the player holds space down to force respawn or simply gets killed, the player respawns at base and the spectator function does not initialize. :( I've done a lot of work trying many different variables and options and nothing is working. I'm wondering if spectator has been made compatible with the revive template, or if revive only supports respawn at base.

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Okay, thanks for the info. Hopefully it will be implemented if it isn't already. I really like how straightforward the new revive system is.

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Don't you need to change Respawn from BASE to BIRD then have the Spectator template active?  Doesn't make sense to have Spectator mode when you're specifically saying players can respawn at base rather than get stuck as spectators after death.

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@harmdhast is it possible to check if the unit is waiting for revive in the new bisReviveSystem? if yes then this would be an option

@kylania the idea is to spectate only when you lay down on the ground an waiting for revive. like in norrins script in ArmA II

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@harmdhast is it possible to check if the unit is waiting for revive in the new bisReviveSystem? if yes then this would be an option


I'm searching for the variables used right know.


EDIT : it seems to be BIS_revive_incapacitated . I found na occurence in functions_f\Respawn\fn_getRespawnPositions.sqf.

so player getVariable ["BIS_revive_incapacitated",false]; ?

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See this thread post onwards for the revive variables since the 1.56 rewrite.

As far as I can remember the only templates that are compatible with Revive are menuPosition and menuInventory, all others are ignored.

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@harmdhast you are right, good hint with BIS_revive_incapacitated -> found this from larrow https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/182228-scripted-event-handler-for-entering-and-exiting-incap-state/?p=2874967

@larrow thank you for the link. i will take a look into it. maybe i drop the idea of spectator mode and stay with revive and menuPosition only.

thank you guys for your time

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