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Deadly Dodo

Competitive Clan Games Arma 3

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A more competitive environment for Arma 3

As of soon (if not now when you read this) ACE 3 will be released and offer a new level of realism that got me thinking, there were clan matches as such in Arma 2 and some in Arma 3 but most communities became quite isolated and kept things quite internal as I have noticed (correct if I'm wrong) and it would be good to see maybe not too competitive but an environment for easy settting up of games for clans as such.

There would however be problems as who would be responsible for creating well balanced missions and allowing tactics and skill of the team to be the main factor that determines wins than a mission having the problem of being lopped sided and who would be responsible for setting up a service that would allow easy access to servers that would record stats of operations and linking servers so it would get these stats.

I would like input on what people think of this and any questions would be nice.

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ----------

most communities became quite isolated and kept things quite internal

I mean this in the sense of communities that play without public servers and focus on a more selected team and filtering people, which I don't have a problem with. I'm more talking about the communities then play against AI or play PVP internally with this team.

Edited by Deadlydodo

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The main issue with interclan games has always been mods. Every group plays with a different set and version, many have customised them further to fix problems or incompatibilities. Thus the end result is that between clan operations are extremely high effort. Its not just the maps, missions its also slot up and everything that goes into it. They are not easy to setup and I can't say having organised quite a few I ever want to do them again, its just too much effort.

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Its not just the maps, missions its also slot up and everything that goes into it. They are not easy to setup and I can't say having organised quite a few I ever want to do them again, its just too much effort.

This is probably one of the bigger reasons, as lots of groups don't have skilled/seasoned mission developers, and some developers that are experienced are usually a bit burnt out on making missions in general (i.e. me :p) and don't what to go into the realm of making sure all sides of the equation get exactly what they want.

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The official Game mode known as "End Game" is a great platform for this kind of thing. It's one of the best "competitive" game modes currently available, and it was developed by BIS themselves with an amazing new group menu that can be used to Organize Squads with different roles within a "Clan". Give it some time, someone may throw ACE3 into the mix of End Game, which would be interesting.

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The main issue with interclan games has always been mods. Every group plays with a different set and version, many have customised them further to fix problems or incompatibilities. Thus the end result is that between clan operations are extremely high effort. Its not just the maps, missions its also slot up and everything that goes into it. They are not easy to setup and I can't say having organised quite a few I ever want to do them again, its just too much effort.

I see what you mean, because I think one of the biggest splits will be between AGM , CSE , ACE 3 in mods even though they're now really just ACE 3 and then some content mods like RHS Escalation and vanilla content.

I had tried to make some mission but came to the conclusion that making balanced and fun missions is rather complicated, escpically on keeping it interesting because of if the missions are too similar then they get a bit tedious.

The official Game mode known as "End Game" is a great platform for this kind of thing. It's one of the best "competitive" game modes currently available, and it was developed by BIS themselves with an amazing new group menu that can be used to Organize Squads with different roles within a "Clan". Give it some time, someone may throw ACE3 into the mix of End Game, which would be interesting.

I hadn't thought of this and it isn't a bad idea, however I don't know really how well clans have taken this new gamemode but it certainly keeps a competitive environment which was shown in the chart Bohemia released which showed the general flow of the game

http://dev.arma3.com/assets/img/post/images/PhaseFlow.jpg (122 kB)

It would be nice to be adapted to ACE 3 or something because I think the revive feature breaks the whole mil-sim competitive part to it as loses wouldn't seem that bad.

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