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Arma randomly reset my entire controls and video options and entire profile

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Open my game, ArmA has now randomly reset everything. :mad:

Littearly, It just gave me the marksman DLC notifcation... Which i saw days ago before arma decided now to reset my entire profile

I spent hours getting my video settings right before etc. Is there any reason arma would even do this??? Nothing changed afaik..

I guess its gone then? I wonder why this would happen, or if it is a known issue.


Tried launching with both arma 3 vanilla launcher, game exe and PwS

Same result

Guess it overwrote my old profile somehow

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Have you checked the profile screen to see if its created a new profile? I had that happen with ArmA2 and never did find the cause. It just randomly, for no apparent reason, created a new profile and defaulted to it. Fortunately, my old profile was still there and I could use it once again.

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Play with Six....

Have you updated it and it moves your stuff? From root to Documents...

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I know king-of-the-hill players sometimes lose their stats, the fix is to run arma.exe as administrator.

Best to always run arma.exe as administrator.

Steam too.

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