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SetVehicleInit to BIS_fnc_MP

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I need help changing this:

_x SetVehicleInit Format["[this,%1,%2] spawn Compile PreprocessFile (""Client\Init\Init_BaseStructure.sqf"")",_type,GetDir _x];

...to work with Arma 3 (BIS_fnc_MP).

So far I have this:

Server_Init =
_object = _this select 0;
_script = _this select 1;
_object _script;
[[_x,(Format["[this,%1,%2] spawn Compile PreprocessFile (""Client\Init\Init_BaseStructure.sqf"")",_type,GetDir _x])],Server_Init,nil,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

I know this is completely wrong but I would like to have it in this format.

I have looked on the wiki and several other websites but nothing helps me to change this. I just don't understand BIS_fnc_MP.

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Just so your aware (if you didn't intend), with the way you have it setup, this will be called on every JIP:

fnc_setVehicleInit =
(_this select 0) setVehicleInit (_this select 1);

	format ["[this,%1,%2] spawn Compile PreprocessFile (""Client\Init\Init_BaseStructure.sqf"")",_type,GetDir _x]
] call BIS_fnc_MP;

EDIT: Ok, am I just crossed eyed, or does the setVehicleInit command not exist? Because it is no where on here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3

Edited by JShock

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I'm aware that it will call on every JIP. It has to be called because some vehicles/structures are created locally and some are not when it is played as multiplayer.

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