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switching to iron sights forces zoom out

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Is there a way to avoid the forced zoom-out that occurs when you are zoomed in, then switch to iron sights (optics)? I have tried moving all weapons/view controls which might be conflicting and cannot affect this behavior. If I am zoomed in, then hit "optics" to swith to scope/iron sights, the view zooms out. I then have to hit "zoom in toggle" twice in order to zoom in. If I instead hit "optics" again (switch back from iron sights to crosshair), I have to also hit zoom in twice to zoom in again.

On a related note, if I raise my iron sights, then zoom in, the view zooms in, but toggling the zoom back out has no effect using the toggle. The view remains zoomed in. Using the NumPad + and - keys (default zoom in/out) does work in this case, but not the toggle.

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As to zoom out, try mapping 'continuous zoom out' in the IRtracker list.

As to keeping zoomed in, only ways i found were either to 'Latch' a JS button on/off to force zoom in, or to place zoom in on the throttle.

Then there's the old "place a stack of quarters on the key" trick.

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been trying to find a fix for this since arma 2 - if anyone knows of one please let us know

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As to zoom out, try mapping 'continuous zoom out' in the IRtracker list.

As to keeping zoomed in, only ways i found were either to 'Latch' a JS button on/off to force zoom in, or to place zoom in on the throttle.

Then there's the old "place a stack of quarters on the key" trick.

In the past I used TrackIR for continuous zoom in/out, but now only for zoom out. Since A3 added the ability to shift your head position forward in vehicles, I use TrackIR forward for that, but TrackIR back for zoom out. That way I can adjust head position without zooming in. And my old method did work, which is why for me this is now an issue. I have come to prefer not using TrackIR for zoom in, but then there is this problem with optics and zoom.

I guess if there is not a good solution through careful assignment of keybinds, it's just a fault in the engine that will hopefully be addressed. I will take another look at the issue tracker. I honestly can't remember whether I found one there. If so I'll comment/vote. If not, I'll make one.

EDIT: yep, it's there http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16065

Edited by rangoon

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I worked around zoom fiddling by binding zoom temporary and optics temporary to right click so holding right mouse makes aiming very fast and snappy, and I can't go back because it's sol fast and efficient, Altough then I binded toggle optics to middle mouse and added zoom in and out to my extra side mouse buttons so now I can use even static 50% zoom whenever I want and also zoom in and out without aiming too. Also the extra buttons help in vehicle optics.

E. Sometimes It is good to have 13 buttons on your mouse lol, (15 if mouse up and down count too)

E. Big problem if using these binds is in vehicle optics. With these binds holding right mouse will make vehicle optics go full zoom and never go back so I have to remember to only use the extra side buttons for vehicles.

Edited by oggoeg

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