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What do you think is the best way to edit!

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I like to do Both.. and not as much scripting as possible,  this is just a curous Poll. I think it would be interesting to see what people think and how they edit! smile.gif

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Not really up to speed on scripting so I tend to use ingame more. I do use scripts by other people though. When the time comes that I want something to happen which hasn't been done by someone else and can't be done in game, I'll get out the instruction. book.

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Cool, sounds kind of like how I edit, I tend to make my missions as I go, and use commands in game like, "removeallweapons this; this addweapon

"Binocluar"; ect.", and other simple Script commands like that, nothing major... smile.gif

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Ingame all the way.

And for the special thingies i search scripts that already are made.

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Ingame editor for everything that requires WYSIWYG-capability. In the init-fields I rarely put anything else than a sript execution command. It's so much easier to write even short commands in .sqs -files. And, more importantly, once you have them in a file you can use them again and again.

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I dont think that many people have voted much.... so I just thought I would add a reply to help this get back tot he topic list on page 1... that way others can vote who haven't and are too lazy to goto the next pages... :o

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i do nearly everthing with scripts.

triggers are not much reliable in multiplayer, also there is less lag in mp with scripts instead of triggers.

things like very detailed loops or pauses you cannot make in the editor.

if i have 5 ammoboxes, i fill them with a script. so i have to write the code once and not 5 times. later, if i want to change the ammo, i have to change 1 script and i wont forget maybe 1 ammobox.

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Well I am not very good at editing, so I try to do alot ingame, I also use some scripts for Intro/Outro Sequences basically for the camera!

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