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Is It Possible To Retexture DLC Assets?

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Hi all,

My question is primarily in concern to the Marksmen DLC but also refers to all past and upcoming DLC from BI. Specifically, my question is whether or not modders have the permission/ability to retexture DLC content such as the new heavy vest variants to match the camo patterns found in other popular retexture packs, such as TFA Special Naval Warfare Gear or Killoch's Multi-National Pack?

Though I haven't dabbled in texturing myself yet (though I plan to give it a shot at some point) my question stems from a debate with some fellow team mates of mine, all of which loved the new heavy vests but are curious as to whether or not we will be able to have them match our favorite community made camouflages.

I understand that DLC content is encrypted differently as to stop modders from rereleasing modified content for free, and I agree with that, it's all BI's work and they should reap the rewards, however, does anybody know if there are any permissions or plans in place that will allow modders to add retextures to the game, expressly for use by players who already own DLC content from Helicopters and Marksmen? I have searched the forums with both the search function and Google but thus far have failed to turn up anything that relates to this subject, my apologies if I missed something though.

Thanks for reading,


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Yep, it is possible and you have the permission for it. Retexturing doesn't actually require the whole addon ebo, and example configs (or even .psd files like the one for huron) are in the ArmA 3 Tools package.

Also I think the vests, new ghillie suits and the remote designators will be available to everybody like the M-900 in the helicopters DLC.

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