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ban.txt or battleye bans.txt which one and why

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I am a little confused as to why the arma3 root directory ban.txt is needed ?

Somehow a player got into this list but not for any reason that I can see in any of the logs.

Why would someone get onto ban.txt ? ie: with no intervention from me ?

Why use this file at all as it's only their UID not their GUID ?

Need some clarification


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Hi Spitfire, AFAIK ban.txt holds the UID of a player the admin chose to ban using the in-game "#exec ban command" when logged in as admin. The bans.txt file located in the BE folder contains ban players' GUID's and the GUID's are added by bans handed out by RCon or RCon based tools (I think). I too am trying to get my head around this banning business, so I'd appreciate if someone would correct me should I be wrong. GUID bans seem to be BE/Recon specific and UID in-game ban specific.

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Thanks Infiltrator ... yes it's not exactly crystal clear as to why that file is there.

I think your understanding is probably right though.

This does not explain how a players UID even got into the file.

I have looked through all my scripts and there is no mention of ban.txt in any of them. So I am pretty sure it's not the mission.

Furthermore, I am the sole admin and I didn't put him in that file via Rcon ... so how did it come to be that his UID is there ?

No idea.... but I am suspecting that arma somehow puts players in there for failed signature checks etc. (just guessing).

If that is the case, it's a pain, because, I (overworked underpaid admin) have to go and remove that player manually.

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Thanks Infiltrator ... yes it's not exactly crystal clear as to why that file is there.

I think your understanding is probably right though.

This does not explain how a players UID even got into the file.

I have looked through all my scripts and there is no mention of ban.txt in any of them. So I am pretty sure it's not the mission.

Furthermore, I am the sole admin and I didn't put him in that file via Rcon ... so how did it come to be that his UID is there ?

No idea.... but I am suspecting that arma somehow puts players in there for failed signature checks etc. (just guessing).

If that is the case, it's a pain, because, I (overworked underpaid admin) have to go and remove that player manually.

I'd me pretty irritated if I never knew how a player's UID got into the ban.txt. It's not like it would have been an easy mistake to make or one you'd not remember making. It would be interesting to know if it indeed was the case that the signature verification that place the player's UID into the ban.txt. I currently have signature verification disable as I heard I causes issues, but given the amount of hackers I've had I'm contemplating enabling it.

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I think I know what's going on now...

There are so many things to consider when you set up a server it's easy to forget what you did.

My config is set to ban on hacked data and ondifferent data.

So I guess that's what happened.

onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";	// unsigned data detected
onHackedData = "ban (_this select 0)";		// tampering of the signature detected
onDifferentData = "ban (_this select 0)";				// data with a valid signature, but different version than the one present on server detected

Not really sure if I should ban onDifferentData or not though.

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On my server i have set it to kick instead of ban. No need to ban for different data as it will prob ban a lot with old signatures.

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Guess i could be, but in most cases it can also just be a client joining with an old version af a signature, and def no need to ban for that.

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