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Problems with RVMAT, 'Cannot load texture'

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I'm having an issue with a re-texture attempt and getting "Cannot Load Texture" for any file specified in my new RVMAT. I'm retexturing an existing mod vehicle (specifically the M113 from RHS). So far everything is working except that I'm attempting to use an RVMAT to change the _smdi of the vehicle and getting "cannot load texture" every time. If I reference the original _smdi file in its original location (inside RHS) everything works fine, but if I reference the new _smdi in my pbo I get the "cannot load texture" error.

I thought it was an issue with my new _smdi file, so I tried overwriting mine with the original as a test -- it still gave the 'cannot load texture' error.

I'm 100% positive the path is correct.

The only thing I've modified in the RVMAT are the file paths to the new .paa files.

I've been searching and searching with any concrete answers; I know I have to use hiddenSelectionsTextures and Materials, and I think all of my classes are setup right but I'm not 100% sure.

Any advice? Am I doing anything glaringly wrong? Here's my cfgPatches:

class cfgPatches {
class test_m113a3 {

class cfgVehicles {
class rhsusf_m113tank_base;
class test_m113a3 : rhsusf_m113tank_base {
	author = "testVehicleRetexture";
	_generalMacro = "test_m113a3";
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "M113A3";
	faction = "test_tw";
	crew = "test_CREWMAN_TW";
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= {"test_m113a3\data\test_m113a3_01_co.paa",};
	hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"test_m113a3\data\test_m113a3_01.rvmat"};

I tried multiple paths in my RVMAT texture= reference, such as:





Here's a snippet of what's at the top of my RVMAT right now (But still not working)

class StageTI {
texture = "testMod\addons\test_m113a3\test_m113a3_01_ti.paa";

The three different filepaths I change in here (for _ti, _nohq_, and _smdi) always give the 'cannot load texture' error, unless referencing their original files.

Edited by Diffusion9
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Did you check your testmod.pbo to see if the .paa files got copied into it? Also why not PM a rhs dev and ask them? They could provide the best help afterall, they made it

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Then you folder structure is pretty certain not correct.

You building your pbos with Addon Builder?

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Then you folder structure is pretty certain not correct.

You building your pbos with Addon Builder?

I'm using PBO Manager at the moment.

[Edit: Way overthinking it!]

Edited by Diffusion9

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Oh goodness gracious... it would appear a rogue $PREFIX$ file with the wrong path to the pbo made its way into my root folder. Either fixing that up solved the issue for me, or I mistyped something and fixed it over the last few hours. Thanks for the response guys, you helped kick my brain into gear.

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