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Construction of direct lines bresenham's algorithm.

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Construction of direct lines bresenham's algorithm.


       File: ffa_func_line_algorithm.sqf
       Author: Wikipedia
       Used  Bresenham's line algorithm.
       Edit: Dimon UA

       Creating line

       _this select 0: position (Array)
       _this select 1: position (Array)

       Array - format Position2D
ffa_func_line_algorithm = {
       line_algorithm = {
               private ["_pos", "_this", "_end", "_angle", "_xstart", "_ystart", "_xend", "_yend", "_dx", "_dy", "_ind", "_incx",
               "_incy", "_pdx", "_pdy", "_es", "_el", "_x", "_y", "_err", "_arr"];
               _pos = (_this select 0) select 0;
               _end = (_this select 0) select 1;
               _step = _this select 1;
               _ind = 0;
               _angle =[_pos, _end] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
               _xstart = _pos select 0;
               _ystart = _pos select 1;

               _xend  = _end select 0;
               _yend = _end select 1;

               _dx = _xend - _xstart;//Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ÐµÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° оÑÑŒ икÑ
               _dy = _yend - _ystart;//Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ÐµÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° оÑÑŒ игрек

               if (_dx < 0) then {
                       _incx =-1;
                       _incx =1;
                * ОпределÑем, в какую Ñторону нужно будет ÑдвигатьÑÑ. ЕÑли dx < 0, Ñ‚.е. отрезок идёт
                * Ñправа налево по икÑу, то incx будет равен -1.
                * Это будет иÑпользоватьÑÑ Ð² цикле поÑтороениÑ.
               if (_dy < 0) then {
                       _incy =-1;
                       _incy =1;
                * Ðналогично. ЕÑли риÑуем отрезок Ñнизу вверх -
                * Ñто будет отрицательный Ñдвиг Ð´Ð»Ñ y (иначе - положительный).

               _dx = abs _dx;
               _dy = abs _dy;
               if (_dx > _dy) then
               //определÑем наклон отрезка:
                 * ЕÑли dx > dy, то значит отрезок "вытÑнут" вдоль оÑи икÑ, Ñ‚.е. он Ñкорее длинный, чем выÑокий.
                 * Значит в цикле нужно будет идти по Ð¸ÐºÑ (Ñтрочка el = dx;), значит "протÑгивать" прÑмую по икÑу
                 * надо в ÑоответÑтвии Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ¼, Ñлева направо и Ñправа налево она идёт (pdx = incx;), при Ñтом
                 * по y Ñдвиг такой отÑутÑтвует.
                       _pdx = _incx;   _pdy = 0;
                       _es = _dy;      _el = _dx;
               else//Ñлучай, когда прÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ñкорее "выÑокаÑ", чем длиннаÑ, Ñ‚.е. вытÑнута по оÑи y
                       _pdx = 0;       _pdy = _incy;
                       _es = _dx;      _el = _dy;//тогда в цикле будем двигатьÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ y

               _x = _xstart;
               _y = _ystart;
               _err = _el/2;
               for "_i" from 0 to (_el-1) do
                       _err =_err - _es;
                       if (_err < 0) then
                               _err =_err + _el;
                               _x=_x + _incx;//Ñдвинуть прÑмую (ÑмеÑтить вверх или вниз, еÑли цикл проходит по икÑам)
                               _y=_y + _incy;//или ÑмеÑтить влево-вправо, еÑли цикл проходит по y
                               _x =_x + _pdx;//продолжить Ñ‚Ñнуть прÑмую дальше, Ñ‚.е. Ñдвинуть влево или вправо, еÑли
                               _y =_y + _pdy;//цикл идёт по икÑу; Ñдвинуть вверх или вниз, еÑли по y
                       _ind =_ind +1;
                       if (_ind == _step) then {
                       _arr set [count _arr,[_x,_y,_angle]]; _ind = 0;};
       private ["_arr1"];
       _arr1 = [];
               if (_forEachIndex != (count (_this select 0) - 1)) then {
                       _arr1 set [count _arr1,([[_x, (_this select 0) select (_forEachIndex +1)],(_this select 1)] call line_algorithm)];                     
       } foreach (_this select 0);

private ["_pos", "_step", "_dir", "_name", "_color", "_icon", "_type", "_local", "_array", "_index", "_m", "_x"];
_pos = _this select 0;
_step = _this select 1;
if (!isnil {_this select 2}) then {_dir =_this select 2;}else{_dir =0;};
if (!isnil {_this select 3}) then {_name =_this select 3;}else{_name ="markername";};
if (!isnil {_this select 4}) then {_color =_this select 4;}else{_color ="Colorblue";};
if (!isnil {_this select 5}) then {_icon =_this select 5;}else{_icon ="ICON";};
if (!isnil {_this select 6}) then {_type =_this select 6;}else{_type ="group_11";};
if (!isnil {_this select 7}) then {_local =_this select 7;}else{_local =false;};

_array = [_pos,_step] call ffa_func_line_algorithm;

if (!isnil "_local" && {_local}) then {
               _index = str _forEachIndex;
                       _m = createMarkerlocal[_name +_index+ (str _forEachIndex), [ _x select 0,_x select 1]];
                       _m setMarkerShapelocal _icon;
                       _m setMarkerTypelocal _type;
                       _m setMarkerDirlocal ((_x select 2) +_dir);
                       _m setmarkercolorlocal _color;
               } foreach _x;
       } foreach _array;
               _index = str _forEachIndex;
                       _m = createMarker[_name +_index+ (str _forEachIndex), [ _x select 0,_x select 1]];
                       _m setMarkerShape _icon;
                       _m setMarkerType _type;
                       _m setMarkerDir ((_x select 2) +_dir);
                       _m setmarkercolor _color;
               } foreach _x;
       } foreach _array;


arr = [];
mark = [markerpos "m2",markerpos "m3",markerpos "m3_1",markerpos "m3_2",markerpos "m3_3",markerpos "m3_4" ,markerpos "m2"];
arr = [mark,10,0,nil ,nil,nil,nil,nil] call func_line_algorithm;

arr = [];
mark = [markerpos "m2",markerpos "m3",markerpos "m3_1",markerpos "m3_2",markerpos "m3_3",markerpos "m3_4" ];
arr = [mark,10,0,nil ,nil,nil,nil,nil] call func_line_algorithm;



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2. Autor VVL99

the 2nd method is more easier, more economical and more practical:

there is one marker of the rectangle with width 0 and with the right rotation between points.

http://www.flashpoint.ru/attachments/arma2rft-2015-03-24-00-24-11-361-jpg.54285/ (300 kB)

fnc_line = {
#define gpa(a,b,c) (((getpos a select c)+(getpos b select c))/2)
*** ***private ["_ob1","_ob2","_mm"];
*** *** _ob1 = _this select 0;
*** *** _ob2 = _this select 1;
*** *** _mm = _this select 2;
*** *** _mm setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
*** *** _mm setMarkerBrush "border";
*** *** _mm setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
*** *** _mm setMarkerDir ([_ob1, _ob2] call BIS_fnc_DirTo);
*** *** _mm setmarkerpos [gpa(_ob2,_ob1,0),gpa(_ob2,_ob1,1),0];
*** *** _mm setMarkerSize [0,(_ob1 distance _ob2)/2];
_mm = createMarker ["mm",getpos player];
[s1,s2,"mm"] call fnc_line;

s1 - object, s2 - object, "mm" - marker


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rewrote the function

fnc_line = {
   fnc_line1 = {
   #define gpa(a,b,c) (((a select c)+(b select c))/2)
       private ["_ob1","_ob2","_m"];

       _ob1 = if ( typename (_this select 0) == "OBJECT" ) then {getpos (_this select 0)} else {if (typename (_this select 0) == "STRING") then {markerpos  (_this select 0) }else{_this select 0};};
       _ob2 = if ( typename (_this select 0) == "OBJECT" ) then {getpos (_this select 1)} else {if (typename (_this select 1) == "STRING") then {markerpos  (_this select 1) }else{_this select 1};};
       _color = _this select 2;
       _m = createMarker [str random(10000),[0,0]];
       _m setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
       _m setMarkerBrush "border";
       _m setMarkerColor _color;
       _m setMarkerDir ([_ob1, _ob2] call BIS_fnc_DirTo);
       _m setmarkerpos [gpa(_ob2,_ob1,0),gpa(_ob2,_ob1,1),0];
       _m setMarkerSize [0,(_ob1 distance _ob2)/2];

   _arr1 = [];
       if (_forEachIndex != ((count (_this select 0)) - 1)) then {
           _arr1 set [count _arr1,([_x, ((_this select 0) select (_forEachIndex +1)),_this select 1] call fnc_line1)];          
   } foreach (_this select 0);

mark = ["m1","m2","m4","m3","m1"];
//mark = [s1,s2,s3,s4];
[mark,"ColorRed"] call fnc_line;

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rewrote the function

fnc_line = {
    fnc_line1 = {
    #define gpa(a,b,c) (((a select c)+(b select c))/2)
        private ["_ob1","_ob2","_m"];

        _ob1 = if ( typename (_this select 0) == "OBJECT" ) then {getpos (_this select 0)} else {if (typename (_this select 0) == "STRING") then {markerpos  (_this select 0) }else{_this select 0};};
        _ob2 = if ( typename (_this select 0) == "OBJECT" ) then {getpos (_this select 1)} else {if (typename (_this select 1) == "STRING") then {markerpos  (_this select 1) }else{_this select 1};};
        _color = _this select 2;
        _m = createMarker [str random(10000),[0,0]];
        _m setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
        _m setMarkerBrush "border";
        _m setMarkerColor _color;
        _m setMarkerDir ([_ob1, _ob2] call BIS_fnc_DirTo);
        _m setmarkerpos [gpa(_ob2,_ob1,0),gpa(_ob2,_ob1,1),0];
        _m setMarkerSize [0,(_ob1 distance _ob2)/2];

    _arr1 = [];
        if (_forEachIndex != ((count (_this select 0)) - 1)) then {
            _arr1 set [count _arr1,([_x, ((_this select 0) select (_forEachIndex +1)),_this select 1] call fnc_line1)];          
    } foreach (_this select 0);

mark = ["m1","m2","m4","m3","m1"];
//mark = [s1,s2,s3,s4];
[mark,"ColorRed"] call fnc_line;


Nice one!


This will save me many, MANY hours marking out AO's.

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