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das attorney

3AM Productions presents: Bang Bang - faster rechambering for DLC guns

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Hi all,

First mod released for a good while, certainly this year and unfortunately it's a pretty shitty one.

I was playing with the new DLC guns and they're quite nice, but the fire-rates majorly suck.

This mod speeds up the rechamber rates on the following guns so they don't rechamber new rounds as if the bullets and action are made of Plasticine.

Guns affected are:

  • asp1 Kir
  • cyrus
  • mar 10
  • mk1 emr
  • mk14
  • (and accidentally the Rahim, but I'll put that back later)


You must own the DLC - It's not a magic mod to install it for free for you!

This only works on dev branch

This isn't hyper realistic (ie I made up the rechamber speeds).

Those of you who know or care, please feel free to enlighten me and I will change the values.

This is an experiment to see what happens when the guns can reload at at least a rate approaching what they can in real life. Please feel free to leave me a comment saying whether you like it or that you think it sucks balls. If you do, then please tell me WHY you do or don't like it. I had one guy comment in one of my mod threads before and he didn't like it but then reached out to his deity saying things like "god help us" and things like that. Yeah seriously. I mean, I don't care if god helps him, but it doesn't help me make better mods.

I'm considering doing an overhaul of the guns as part of something bigger, but want some useful feedback before committing to it.

Personally, I think it exposes that the recoil for the guns is too easy and also that these new guns have next to no sway and inertia when standing and firing. Anyway, here is a video (for no reason) and the linky is below that.

No keys unfortunately as 1) it's still on dev branch 2) Arma 3 Tools suck so I have to use Arma 2 tools and my old private key is most likely useless.


Pew pew,

Das Attorney

Edited by Das Attorney

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I put the source in there so you can alter it and repack if you want to - or let me know what the time should be and I'll update the file.

edit: It's 0.1 sec by default. Is that actually correct then?

edit2: Just looked up the Vintorez - different caliber so not sure but that should reload in about 0.1 sec so yeah I could change that back

Edited by Das Attorney

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