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Respawn script

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Who can give me a simple respawning script to apply it to an object, in order to delete it and have again in the same place than before brand new.


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If you searched the forum you would have found loads of scripts, please use the search function of the forum.


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Your script helped me a lot, to respawn vehicules, but I would like to respawn an objetc such as a chair or something else as the Target E.


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Hint Level 1: Look in command reference

Hint Level 2: Use camCreate command if createVehicle doesn't work.

Hint Level 3: Use camCreate but it is best done in single player maps.

Hint Level 4:

Use camCreate in a single player map and look up your object name by:

placing the object in the map editor

giving it a name you will recognize

saving the mission

opening the mission.sqm

searching for the name you gave it

To make it work in Mp make sure you camCreate on all machines at the same time and position, but no guarantees.

Hope this helps biggrin.gifconfused.gif

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I can't find such command in the script I use. Could you help me to solve my prob with this script.

;Made By DeaDMeaT

;All instructions are in the TxT file with this script

;Sorry for the lack of comments


_unit = _this select 0

_padid = _this select 1

_type = _this select 2


_padpos = getpos _padid

_padx = _padpos select 0

_pady = _padpos select 1

_padz = _padpos select 2

_padpoint = GetDir _padid



?(_type == "A10"):goto "A10"

?(_type == "A10FLY"):goto "A10"

?(_type == "AH1"):goto "AH1"

?(_type == "AH64"):goto "AH64"

?(_type == "CH47D"):goto "CH47D"

?(_type == "UH60"):goto "UH60"

?(_type == "UH60/mg"):goto "UH60/mg"


?(_type == "SU25"):goto "SU25"

?(_type == "SU25FLY"):goto "SU25"

?(_type == "MI24"):goto "MI24"

?(_type == "MI17"):goto "MI17"


?(_type == "M2"):goto "M2"

?(_type == "M1A1"):goto "M1A1"

?(_type == "M60"):goto "M60"

?(_type == "M113"):goto "M113"

?(_type == "MIIPBR"):goto "MIIPBR"

?(_type == "VULCAN"):goto "VULCAN"

?(_type == "JEEP"):goto "JEEP"


?(_type == "T80"):goto "T80"

?(_type == "T72"):goto "T72"

?(_type == "BMP"):goto "BMP"

?(_type == "BOAT"):goto "BOAT"

?(_type == "SHILKA"):goto "SHILKA"


?(_type == "T55"):goto "T55"


?(_type == "R"):goto "Respawn"

_unit sidechat "incorrect type"

goto "exit"





_unit removemagazines "MaverickLauncher"

_unit removemagazines "MachineGun30A10"

_unit addmagazine "MaverickLauncher"

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun30A10"

?(_type == "A10FLY"):goto "RespawnFLY"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazines "HellfireLauncherCobra"

_unit removemagazines "ZuniLauncher38"

_unit removemagazines "MachineGun30"

_unit addmagazine "HellfireLauncherCobra"

_unit addmagazine "ZuniLauncher38"

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun30"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazines "HellfireLauncherApach"

_unit removemagazines "ZuniLauncher38"

_unit removemagazines "MachineGun30"

_unit addmagazine "HellfireLauncherApach"

_unit addmagazine "ZuniLauncher38"

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun30"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "Browning"

_unit addmagazine "Browning"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "ZuniLauncher38"

_unit addmagazine "ZuniLauncher38"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "Browning"

_unit addmagazine "Browning"

goto "Respawn"



_unit removemagazines "Ch29TLauncher"

_unit removemagazines "Rocket57x64"

_unit removemagazines "MachineGun30A10"

_unit addmagazine "Ch29TLauncher"

_unit addmagazine "Rocket57x64"

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun30A10"

?(_type == "SU25FLY"):goto "RespawnFLY"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazines "HellfireLauncherHind"

_unit removemagazines "Rocket57x64"              

_unit removemagazines "MachineGun30"              

_unit addmagazine "HellfireLauncherHind"

_unit addmagazine "Rocket57x64"    

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun30"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazines "Rocket57x192"              

_unit addmagazine "Rocket57x192"              

goto "Respawn"




_unit removemagazine "Browning"

_unit addmagazine "Browning"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "HEAT120"

_unit removemagazine "SHELL120"

_unit removemagazine "MachineGun12_7"

_unit addmagazine "HEAT120"

_unit addmagazine "SHELL120"

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun12_7"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "HEAT105"

_unit removemagazine "SHELL105"

_unit removemagazine "MachineGun7_6"

_unit addmagazine "HEAT105"

_unit addmagazine "SHELL105"

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun7_6"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "browning"

_unit addmagazine "browning"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "browning"

_unit addmagazine "browning"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "VulcanCannon"

_unit addmagazine "VulcanCannon"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "Browning"

_unit addmagazine "Browning"

goto "Respawn"



_unit removemagazine "HEAT125"

_unit removemagazine "SHELL125"

_unit removemagazine "MachineGun12_7"

_unit addmagazine "HEAT125"

_unit addmagazine "SHELL125"

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun12_7"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "HEAT120"

_unit removemagazine "SHELL120"

_unit removemagazine "MachineGun7_6"

_unit addmagazine "HEAT120"

_unit addmagazine "SHELL120"

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun7_6"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "HEAT73"                    

_unit removemagazine "SHELL73"                  

_unit removemagazine "MachineGun7_6"            

_unit addmagazine "HEAT73"                    

_unit addmagazine "SHELL73"                  

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun7_6"            

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "browning"

_unit addmagazine "browning"

goto "Respawn"


_unit removemagazine "ZsuCannon"

_unit addmagazine "ZsuCannon"

goto "Respawn"



_unit removemagazine "HEAT105"

_unit removemagazine "SHELL105"

_unit removemagazine "MachineGun7_6"

_unit addmagazine "HEAT105"

_unit addmagazine "SHELL105"

_unit addmagazine "MachineGun7_6"

goto "Respawn"


_unit setpos [(_padx),(_pady),(_padz-.2)]

_unit setdir _padpoint

_unit setdir _padpoint

_unit setdammage 0.4


_unit setdammage 0.3


_unit setdammage 0.2


_unit setdammage 0.1


_unit setdammage 0


_unit setfuel 1

_unit allowfleeing 0

goto "exit"



_p1 = _this select 3

_unit setpos [(_padx),(_pady),(_padz+500)]

_unit setdir _padpoint

_unit setdammage 0.4


_unit setdammage 0.3


_unit setdammage 0.2


_unit setdammage 0.1


_unit setdammage 0

_p1 assignasdriver _unit

_p1 moveindriver _unit

_unit setfuel 1

_p1 setbehaviour "AWARE"

_p1 setcombatmode "RED"

_p1 setspeedmode "NORMAL"

_p1 flyinheight 100

_p1 allowfleeing 0

_unit allowfleeing 0

_unit setbehaviour "AWARE"

_unit setcombatmode "RED"

_unit setspeedmode "NORMAL"

_unit flyinheight 100




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No because this script wants the respawned unit to be passed in.

Look at the first line with _unit

This is not actually a good piece of code for you. Look into the TXT file mentioned in script.

Also try to use the [ code ] tags for inserting long scripts into thread. smile.gif

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