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Buldozer Controls Not Responsive

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I'm trying to learn how to use the terrain builder and one part of it is the use of Buldozer.

I'm following the "The Atlas" guide by Jakerod and Friends and I've reached the point where I launch buldozer to view the terrain. I'm using his materials and such from the download which I am to assume is working if used as directed.

When I open buldozer, I get the "Preparing Surface Materials" screen and then it shows the terrain. I cannot move the camera or perform any actions. If I hit the menu key (F1) it's messed up, as do sub menus if I use the arrow keys to select the blank text boxes.


Above is an image of what it looks like. I really have no clue what's going on with it and it's a big deterrent in my attempting to build my own maps in the future.

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Had the same problem, only way to fix it was to follow the atlas guide and do everything except the arma3p from mikero and manually extractpbo addons and move them to p

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Alright. Yeah, I did the mikero method because it seemed to be the less labor intensive of the bunch. Will reply once I redo it and let you know if it worked or not.

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I figured it out. Two issues actually.

The first was my Core Folder. I needed to depbo it and place it inside my root P Drive. I had done so, but it was core\core\files instead of core\files.

I also depbo'd my languagecore_f file and placed it inside the P Drive. Controls are working as are the menus.

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