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3x 5.56 bullets point blank to the face should kill!! I need a mod!

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I'm so sick of this stupid damage system in A3.

I know this must have been asked a million times before, but can anyone list some recently maintained (not something years old, unless it really is compatible with latest A3 builds) mods which either drop enemies in 1 or 2 shots, or provide some other consequence to the AI for copping half a mag full (such as being crippled, losing accuracy, etc)?

Is it too much to ask that a mod makes a shot to the exposed face lethal? I mean seriously, you I just literally shot an AI unit 3x times at point blank range in the eye and he barely squirmed.... which made me want to not play the game again until I get a mod... so please someone help point me towards what's available!

ps: please nobody try to tell me the bullet damage is 'realistic' for 'futuristic armour' or any crap like that. To hell with this hypothetical futuristic rubbish.

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are you playing on easy???

as that enables extended body armour!!!

anyway this is in the wrong section mate just be warned a moderator will prob move it

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Go into the game options and turn off extended armor, if you haven't already.

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