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Custom loadout by script method drops backpack on ground instead of deleting/removing

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1. I've followed pickinthatbanjo's Youtube tutorial for making a custom loadout script.

It works fine, except for one thing. Instead of deleting the replaced backpack, it instead appears on the ground below the guy.

So I need to know how to fix the backpack dropping problem.

The code I used is exactly as appears in the tutorial, including pickinthatbanjo's own loadout.sqf.

2. Another issue (I'll add here rather than post new thread)

Launcher is not removed by custom loadout script. This applies to both supplied code from pickinthatbanjo and from in-game Zeus Arsenal export (modified to suit script format).

Here is the code for loadout.sqf. I'm applying it to a Rifleman (AT). I assumed the removeAllWeapons would remove the launcher, but apparently not.

waitUntil {!isNull player};

_unit = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons this;
removeallassigneditems this;
removeallcontainers this;
removeuniform this;
removevest this;

_unit  addVest "FUTARM_PlateCarrier_Des";
_unit  addUniform "FUTARM_CombatUniform_Des";

_unit addWeapon 'Binocular';

_unit additem 'ItemWatch';
_unit additem 'ItemMap';
_unit additem 'ItemCompass';

_unit assignitem 'ItemMap';
_unit assignitem 'ItemWatch';
_unit assignitem 'ItemCompass';

_unit  addWeapon "RH_M16A4";
_unit  addPrimaryWeaponItem "RH_ta31rco";
_unit  addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";

_unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", 10];

_unit additem 'FirstAidKit';
_unit additem 'FirstAidKit';
_unit addmagazine 'HandGrenade';
_unit addmagazine 'HandGrenade';
_unit addmagazine 'SmokeShellBlue';
_unit addmagazine 'SmokeShellGreen';
_unit addmagazine 'B_IR_Grenade';

_unit addweapon 'hgun_ACPC2_F';
_unit addMagazines ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 2];
if(true) exitWith{};

Edited by zyg0tic

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No. I do have it installed in main Arma3 directory but its not enabled (vanilla game, no mods loaded).

Edited by zyg0tic

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Yes Tfar does it but just put

tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true;

in youe init

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I think I found the problem. The code supplied by pickinthatbanjo was incorrect and should instead be:

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeallassigneditems _unit;

removeallcontainers _unit;

removeuniform _unit;

removevest _unit;

removebackpack _unit;

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