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Inscrutable input after EndOfFile problem

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Hello. I am trying to make a simple mod for my personal use to return the M134 minigun to the glory it basked in in ArmA 2. So, I have packed into a .pbo config.cpp, which is:

class CfgPatches {

class Wayner_Minigun_Fix {
	units = {};
	weapons = {};
	requiredAddons = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.100000;
	version = 0.100000;

/*extern*/ class Mode_FullAuto;

class cfgWeapons {
/*extern*/ class Default;
/*extern*/ class MGunCore;

class M134_minigun: MGunCore {
	scope = 1;
	displayName = "$STR_A3_M134_minigun0";
	cursor = "EmptyCursor";
	cursorAim = "mg";
	magazines = {"5000Rnd_762x51_Belt", "5000Rnd_762x51_Yellow_Belt"};
	canLock = 1;
	modes = {"HighROF", "LowROF", "close", "short", "medium", "far"};
	weight = 40;

	class GunParticles {

		class FirstEffect {
			effectName = "MachineGun1";
			positionName = "z_gunL_muzzle";
			directionName = "z_gunL_chamber";

		class SecondEffect {
			effectName = "MachineGun1";
			positionName = "z_gunR_muzzle";
			directionName = "z_gunR_chamber";

		class effect1 {
			positionName = "machinegun_eject_pos";
			directionName = "machinegun_eject_dir";
			effectName = "MachineGunCartridge";

		class effect2 {
			positionName = "machinegun_eject_2_pos";
			directionName = "machinegun_eject_2_dir";
			effectName = "MachineGunCartridge";

	class LowROF: Mode_FullAuto {
		displayName = "$STR_A3_M134_minigun0";
		sounds = {"StandardSound"};

		class StandardSound {
			begin1 = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Gatling\gatling1v1", 1.000000, 1, 2000};
			soundBegin = {"begin1", 1};
			weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle";
		soundContinuous = 0;
		flash = "gunfire";
		flashSize = 0.100000;
		recoil = "Empty";
		aiDispersionCoefX = 10;
		aiDispersionCoefY = 10;
		ffMagnitude = 0.500000;
		ffFrequency = 11;
		ffCount = 6;
		reloadTime = 0.030000;
		dispersion = 0.020000;
		minRange = 1;
		minRangeProbab = 0.060000;
		midRange = 2;
		midRangeProbab = 0.060000;
		maxRange = 3;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.004000;
		showToPlayer = 0;
		multiplier = 1;

	class HighROF: LowROF {
		displayName = "$STR_A3_M134_minigun0";
		sounds = {"StandardSound"};

		class StandardSound {
			begin1 = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Gatling\gatling1v1", 1.000000, 1, 2000};
			soundBegin = {"begin1", 1};
			weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle";
		soundContinuous = 0;
		minRange = 1;
		minRangeProbab = 0.080000;
		midRange = 2;
		midRangeProbab = 0.058000;
		maxRange = 3;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.004000;
		reloadTime = 0.030000;
		dispersion = 0.020000;
		showToPlayer = 1;
		multiplier = 3;

	class close: HighROF {
		showToPlayer = 0;
		soundBurst = 0;
		burst = 15;
		aiRateOfFire = 0.500000;
		aiRateOfFireDistance = 50;
		minRange = 0;
		minRangeProbab = 0.050000;
		midRange = 500;
		midRangeProbab = 0.700000;
		maxRange = 1000;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.100000;

	class short: close {
		burst = 10;
		aiRateOfFire = 2;
		aiRateOfFireDistance = 300;
		minRange = 500;
		minRangeProbab = 0.050000;
		midRange = 1000;
		midRangeProbab = 0.700000;
		maxRange = 1500;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.100000;

	class medium: LowROF {
		showToPlayer = 0;
		soundBurst = 0;
		burst = 7;
		aiRateOfFire = 3;
		aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
		minRange = 1000;
		minRangeProbab = 0.050000;
		midRange = 1500;
		midRangeProbab = 0.580000;
		maxRange = 2000;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.040000;

	class far: medium {
		burst = 4;
		aiRateOfFire = 5;
		aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000;
		minRange = 1500;
		minRangeProbab = 0.050000;
		midRange = 2500;
		midRangeProbab = 0.400000;
		maxRange = 3000;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.010000;

Yet trying to start the game with this addon enabled yields "Config : some input after EndOfFile." I've combed this text for an hour now, trying different things, and I can't figure out where the problem is. I've tried deleting the last "};", tried adding semi colons to the CfgPatches arrays, tried moving around the extern inheritances, but no luck. The config for the M134 is exactly as it appears in the default weapons config with the exception of the dispersion rate having been modified. I haven't the faintest idea of where the problem is. And of the course the .rpt has nothing useful. Hopefully someone with more experienced or fastidious eyes can spot the error. Thank you.

P.S. I know there are other EndOfFile topics and I've looked through a few but it seems like the issue is always specific to the file. Sorry if this is a duplicate post.

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When you define arrays, they need this format:

config property[] = {blah,blah};

You are missing the []

units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredAddons[] = {};

begin1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Gatling\gatling1v1", 1.000000, 1, 2000};

soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 1};

and so on

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