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Editor missions no longer listed, and 1 key bound to two functions, keyboard buggy...

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Hello Folks,

A couple of weeks ago, I started trying out the Arma 3 Editor, creating mini-missions for myself and son.

These missions have yet to be "finished," and are only playable through the Editor.

I played one of these missions extensively last night.

Today, however, none of the missions for Altis are even listed in the Editor. In fact, the only Mission option is to create a New Mission. The mission files themselves are still intact, and within their directories the scripts that I added are also still present. How is it possible, that my missions' files are still there, yet won't be displayed for further editing and playing via the Editor?

What's also strange, is that my space bar became assigned to activating a default action. I've had it bound to only crouching for a couple of years. Today, whenever I tried to crouch, it would open up the "weapon action" window, and automatically highlight the pistol, and draw the weapon to ready it!

Whatever happened between the time that I quite the game, shutdown my computer system, and started back up today, must've somehow affected Arma 3's ability to detect the "still in existence" mission files. Which brings up one another weird fact: when I started up my computer today, my keyboard wouldn't generate any type of letter or number. I could use my mouse, but nothing would even appear in Notepad. Upon restart, the keyboard starting working fine, without any further issues.

Any detailed, step by step advice to get the Editor to "see" the missions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you!

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Ghost must be right. The missions are not listed, meaning either, the mission folder has been moved or deleted, or the profileName has been changed, meaning the editor mission directory too. In all cases, to be sure of the issue, I invite you to have a look here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Editor:_External#Mission_Folder

Note: the mission listing is based on the directories, not on the presence or not of a valid SQM file. You can make the try by adding a folder "myTest.Altis" in your mission directory and try to load it ingame. For information, the engine loads a mission folder, not a SQM file.

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