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Did not find beserver.cfg file

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Hey guys,

I'm trying to install BEC on our server right now. When downloaded Battleye was installed automaticaly. Now I downloaded BEC and did everything as descriped.

When I now try to launch bec I get the error "Did not find beserver.cfg file" and the bec closes. After a brief look I discovered that there is no beserver.cfg in the Battleye folder. The only thing there is a beserver.dll

(I launch the game with the parameter -bepath and point it to that exact Battleye folder)

What have I done wrong?

Please help me >.<

Many Greetings


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you need to create the file using a text editor like notepad. Then place the file in your Battleye folder

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Now he asks for a Rcon password in there. How should the beserver.cfg look from the inside?

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RConPassword ABC123XYZ
MaxPing 250 // maximal delay to server before BattlEye autokicks

this is already documented quite a lot m8

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