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Help with model.cfg for a weapon

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I'm fairly confident my issues are caused by the model.cfg; 1) forward and rear sight do not animate once an optic is attached, and the magazine does not disappear when removed, 2) weapon looks fine, but when a suppressor is attached you can see a persistent flash, and when it is then removed you see a full persistent flash. My first instinct is that it is an issue with the Skeleton Name, but none of my fixes work. The model is BH_M110.p3d. I've looked through previous threads and have tried the few fixes that were given, but no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

edit: Problem fixed. I wish I could say what the problem was. What I did was go back and start from scratch, and eventually it worked. Arma happens I guess.

Edited by BadHabitz

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Its a whole lot to go through on my phone. Do you have your proper frontSight, backsight named selections on the model? Using A3 sample model.cfg?

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Its a whole lot to go through on my phone. Do you have your proper frontSight, backsight named selections on the model? Using A3 sample model.cfg?

The trigger is also not moving. All of these are animation problems, so they should have a common problem source.

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