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Adding custom skins to server

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I was just wondering how you add custom skins to a server? I have done some textures and would like to add them to a server but not sure how. Its an Epoch server so it would be nice to be able to go to a trader and when buying a vehicle chose which skin it comes in? any help will be appreciated :)

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You are probably better off asking in the Epoch thread, and bumping threads is generally frowned upon, especially within 24hrs of the original post...

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Well I haven't played Epoch before but for your skins there is no way of putting them on the server other then making it a mod, which means all players joining needs to download it. or you can add it as texture in your missions file but then that means its needs to be added to init of your vehicle, and if Epoch is like Altis life I don't think that's possible. But if you want to make it into a mod I will be happy to assist you with it.

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I believe like said above, you have to make a texture file, place it in the mission folder, then script it in the onit if said vehicles. There's probably a way to have that same texture stay upon re spawn, but your going to have to go somewhere else for that. I'm no wizard. Hehe.

(War Thunder does this, expect better, allowing you to re texture your planes, which is pretty freaking sweet. Able to fly around with Modern splinter Camo in Canadian Tundra scheme. XD)

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