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Simple Ear Plugs Script.

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Recently I had found this script that lets you essentially change the volume levels from the action menu from a "put in ear plugs/remove". It is extremely useful when getting in helos and cars so you can hear your team talk. Why this is not a standard thing in Vanilla I have no idea. Plus the ability to do it via script without an addon is awesome.

However in mp once being revived I lose this option. The ear plug option disappears from the action menu.


This is the script. I could not find a post for this script.

Credit: 654wak654


_u = _this select 0;
_p = ["<t color='#ffff33'>Put on ear plugs</t>",{
_s = _this select 0;
_i = _this select 2;
if (soundVolume != 1) then {
	1 fadeSound 1;
	_s setUserActionText [_i,"<t color='#ffff33'>Put on ear plugs</t>"];
} else {
	1 fadeSound 0.02;
	_s setUserActionText [_i,"<t color='#ffff33'>Take off ear plugs</t>"];
},[],-90,false,true,"","_target == vehicle player"];
_u addAction _p;
_u addEventHandler ["Respawn",{
1 fadeSound 1;
(_this select 0) addAction _p;

How it is executed in Init.

[player] execVM "scripts\simpleEP.sqf";

What can I do to check and see if a player has this action, if not then give the player the action?

Edited by Handlebar

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You'll also have to worry about situations where they take control of another unit, such as using UAVs. You'd be much better off using a hotkey instead of a menu item. Solves the problem entirely.

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after install how to use it press which key to use earplug or how to edit key

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On 05/02/2015 at 10:25 PM, mr_shadow said:

Make an EH - respawned and then add the action.

Yes, same for teamswitch on SP, so often forgotten (by BI themselves).

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