fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted January 19, 2015 (edited) IP: PORT: 2302LOCATION: New York, New YorkSERVER NAME: DEVGRU US #1CURRENT SCENARIO: INVADE & ANNEXBRANCH: MAIN__________________________ Hi soldiers, Quiksilver here. Just announcing a dev server that has been unlocked for public use. Here is a brief video from last night. Decided to fire up the Curator module and crank up the heat for the players. Be warned, the footage is raw unedited, warts and all. Heats up around 9-10 mins. 25 min 8x1sL_3nxYs Have had this server for awhile however it has long been a private dev server. Opened it for public use a couple weeks back in order to finish off testing MP code for a new scenario. That is the only reason it is public, TBH. Also, may then become the server to run the new scenario. Should things go south, I'll just return it to how it was, a locked private server. Much less stress! :) Almost every line of code is mine on this server/mission, aside from some nice 3rd Party scripts that have been running for awhile (such as BTC Revive by Giallustio, VAS by Tonic, EOS by BangaBob, etc). Also credit to Jack Williams (Rarek), original author of this Domination variant, and Ahoy World for being the home of I&A. Once I finish off the new mission, it will replace I&A on this server. Don't have much time to work on it over the next few weeks though. Not going to say much else about it yet. Some features currently on the server: * Better performance/FPS than almost every other standard I&A server. I join some and get stuttering/lag/errors. Not this one. * Some level of scaling and AI adaptation. * New sub-objectives. Longer defend missions. * AI learning. Not going to say much about this until next scenario is published. * Optional modded fatigue. 3x more stamina, but not unlimited stamina. Select at the ammo boxes. * Mobile respawn when under 16 players on the server. Must be slung or towed around. * Some other stuff which I don't speak about publicly. * Mods allowed: JSRS, Blastcore, CBA, ST HUD. * And lastly, I believe important for servers, an admin who cares. As a bit of community discussion, I am always interested to hear ideas and wishes people have for public CO-OP. PM or reply in this thread, if there is anything you long to see for public CO-OP. Warning, don't say "60 FPS!"!!! That cannot be delivered! Edited January 19, 2015 by MDCCLXXVI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jshock 513 Posted January 20, 2015 I'm quite interested in seeing what you've put together Quiksilver :), and about the discussion your looking for, I would like to see something fresh, kind of never before seen kind of thing, because TBH at this point most scenarios are based on other/older scenarios from way back (Life, I&A, Insurgency, Patrol Ops, etc.), there really isn't anything "new" coming out that I've seen. I would provide ideas on the matter, but I have none, but just where I think a new scenario needs to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted January 20, 2015 (edited) I'm quite interested in seeing what you've put together Quiksilver :), and about the discussion your looking for, I would like to see something fresh, kind of never before seen kind of thing, because TBH at this point most scenarios are based on other/older scenarios from way back (Life, I&A, Insurgency, Patrol Ops, etc.), there really isn't anything "new" coming out that I've seen. I would provide ideas on the matter, but I have none, but just where I think a new scenario needs to go. Hey! Re fresh It takes a lot of work to do something fresh. Designing for 40+ strangers to come on and have a good time with/against eachother for an hour or two, with reasonable consistency, that constricts possibilities across all game modes. Even in games by big publishers with dozens of game designers, they still stick to a few game modes. I'll be pushing my slice of co-op more toward mil-sim, which is risky for public scenario as often some aspects of mil-sim are quite boring. To get everyone in on the action, yet maintain a mature and non-arcadey/'gamey' feel, that is tough, and will require a couple fresh things which not prepared to discuss until its all finished. In the video above, that was the reward for an hour of patrolling and slower-paced action. Often the AI comes in dry, and it is quite difficult to re-enter the defense mission after a respawn due to the stiff AA envelope, so occasionally fate intervenes and provides a second (or third!) chance at the action. Getting 15-20 strangers to defend an area is a nice experience for them, and often afterwards there is a flurry of 'hey add me on Steam' between themselves, which is my ultimate goal for newb-friendly co-op. Hearing "hey whats your Steam" between the players means whatever has happened has worked. ;) Also, there is more footage to come. Some from earlier in that same evening, however the end of that clip isn't great as I was graciously (and very briefly) interrupted by: 18.01.2015 20:21:45: TYE ( 860b1ccccc32f2db81f2d5c4c1369c21 - #0 "if(name player == 'Quiksilver') then {failMission'LOSER';0 fadeSound 0;for'_IGotDatOGKushFromThaWestCoast_FoSho'from 0 to 100 do{(findDisplay _IGotDatOGKushFromThaWestCoast_FoSho)closeDisplay 0;};};" I guess he wasn't a fan! ;) Edited January 20, 2015 by MDCCLXXVI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jshock 513 Posted January 20, 2015 Lol, that is pretty funny :p. And I like the direction your sort of pointing in (coming from a mil-sim background myself), and I really don't mind slow ass patrols or the classic "hurry up and wait" situations, and I think that type of game mode would be perfect for mil-sim units looking to recruit. Because if some random public can deal with that off the bat, I would think would do perfectly well in a realism type unit :). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites