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Textures layers problem. (screenshot)

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I don't understand why there's concrete here, as i painted only two colors at this place: the path with gravels and gravels+grass on the sides.

My guess is that there's is some config text that put random textures for a more natural feeling, in this case that doesnt fit and there is concrete at evrey border of the gravel. :/

Am i correct, and if so can you give me a hint of what file to modify?

I have to add that there is concrete painted on the mask elsewhere on map but not there.

Any help welcome. :)

Edited by jomi_satchel

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I'm guessing you used a "soft brush" or resized your mask using something other than "nearest neighbour - preserve hard edges" or something similar and it did some "antialiasing" or "edge blending" between your colours

Every pixel of colour on your mask is converted to a texture - the colours which have textures associated with them become those textures - the colours WITHOUT a texture associated with them are assigned one based on the "nearest colour"...

Theres a border or edge of a "different colour" between those two areas - that "different colour" is being interpreted as "whatever colour is associated with concrete"


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Ah yes, was using a soft brush, some pixels are faded indeed.

i did not thought about that but it make sense. I was fooled by the hours of work on the sat image wich is a totally different approach.

Thank you Bushlurker !

Edited by jomi_satchel

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@bushlurker I have a similar issue, except as far as I can tell, I have an instant color change in my mask image. I use gimp in indexed more and have used the select by color tool to ensure I have only the colors I want in my mask. I don't understand what is going wrong. The spoiler below contains images of my problem. 


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