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Returning "any", no Idea why

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So basically I am trying to create ammo cache's at random locations on the map and spawn soldiers to protect them, what I am doing (because the number of cache's changes every time) is generating a random number from 0 - 999999 and using setVariable to assign it to a cache and a trigger which will spawn and despawn the soldiers when WEST units enter and leave the area respectively.

I have the caches and their triggers spawning fine but I have run into a hiccup, whenever I try to return _x (which SHOULD return the cache object) I get 'any'.

INS_isSame = 
_trig = _this select 0;
_idStr = _trig getVariable "tName";

	_crId = _x getVariable "cName";
	if (_idStr == _crId) then 

		player sideChat format ["%1", _x];  // PRINTS THE OBJECT
} forEach crateGlobal;


It is being called with

       [i]code code code[/i]

_nTrig setTriggerStatements ["this", 
	_retCrate = [thisTrigger] call INS_isSame;
	Player sideChat format ['%1', _retCrate];  // PRINTS 'ANY'
	_nul = [_retCrate, thisTrigger] call INS_spawnUnits;
	_nul = [thisTrigger] call INS_deleteUnits;

       [i]code code code[/i]

Anyone know where I am going wrong?

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Try this

INS_isSame = {
private ["_crate", "_idStr"];

_crate = objNull;

_idStr = (_this select 0) getVariable "tName";

	if ((_x getVariable "cName") == _idStr) exitWith {
		player sideChat (format ["%1", _x]);

		_crate = _x;
forEach crateGlobal;


Edited by Schatten

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Try this

INS_isSame = {
private ["_crate", "_idStr"];

_crate = objNull;

_idStr = (_this select 0) getVariable "tName";

	if ((_x getVariable "cName") == _idStr) exitWith {
		player sideChat (format ["%1", _x]);

		_crate = _x;
forEach crateGlobal;


Yep that worked, THANK YOU!!!!!!

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