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Plane Pilot, Copilot and Passenger issues - weird memory effect for passenger seats

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I hope someone of you can help me:

I am having some weird issues with my An-2 addon.

Copilot works fine so far with copilot turret finally but then I noticed that my passengers are a bit buggy.

In Mp on a dedicated server me and my friends had problems entering the same plane. We managed to get in pilot and copilot seats after some tries. Sometimes we would get stuck in the entering animation till the other person got out of the plane first.

We would also be unable to get out from the copilot seat until the pilot left the plane. All with the engine off and the plane on the ground.

In SP as soon as an AI soldier enters the plane in a passenger seat I cant enter in that same passenger seat anymore. I make him dismount and enter but only to end up on seat #2 instead of the now empty #1.

If I make 5 AI enter and dismount I'll end up on seat #6 etc. This is what I call the weird memory effect.

This carries on till the plane is full. Once full and emptied I can't get back in on any passenger seat at all.

Strange thing is: the AI can enter back given the command... but for me the option to sit in back is gone for good : (

Entering as Pilot or Copilot works and seems unaffected from this issue. I can even change their seats and hand over controls - in SP that is.

I put both pilot seats in compartment 1, the passengers in compartment 2. Didn't test dedi MP since then. Might be that this fixes the pilots issue at least.

driverCompartments = "Compartment1";
cargoCompartments[] = {"Compartment2"};

passengers are defined as:

               getInAction = "GetInLow";
	getOutAction = "GetOutLow";

	memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos cargo";
	memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos cargo dir";

	transportSoldier = 12;

	cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetOutLow"};
	cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutLow"};

I deleted and readded cargo proxies a few times and made sure theres no duplicates or different numbers.

My proxies are defined as follows:

proxy.pilot.001 for pilot

proxy.gunner.001 for gunner and

proxy.cargo.001 - cargo.012 for cargo positions.

and I copied all of them in the Resolution 1, Pilotview, Cargoview and Firegeometry LODs.

I have no idea what is causing this odd memory effect on my passenger seats and what is causing the issue with boarding the same plane in MP.

Hope someone knows what could be causing this!

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didn't solve the problem yet but managed to enable firing from vehicle (ffv) for plane if anyone is interested

// inherit from base at beginning: 

class vehicles cfg {
class Air;
class Plane: Air {
	class CargoTurret;    
	class NewTurret;
	class Sounds;	// External class reference
	class AnimationSources;	// External class reference
	class HitPoints
		class HitHull;

class some_BasePlane: Plane	{		
	class AnimationSources;		
	class HitPoints: HitPoints		
	class HitHull: HitHull{};		
	class NewTurret;
	class CargoTurret;    
	class MarkerLights;	
	class Sounds;
// then later in your plane class:

class yourplane: some_BasePlane {
// stuff like model, name etc
class turrets {
    class mainturret : newturret {
           // copilot
			commanding = -2;
			gunnerName = "copilot";
			gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1";
			gunnerUsesPilotView = true;
			primaryGunner = true;
			proxyIndex = 1;
			memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
			memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
			gunnergetinaction = "GetInLow";
			gunnergetoutaction = "GetOutHigh";
			caneject = 1;
			weapons[] = {};
			magazines[] = {};
			gunnerForceOptics = false;
			gunnerAction = "sab_an2_pilot";
			gunnerInAction = "sab_an2_pilot";
			gunnerlefthandanimname = "stick_pilot_2";
			gunnerrighthandanimname = "stick_pilot_2";
			gunnerLeftLegAnimName = "pedal2";
			gunnerRightLegAnimName = "pedal2";
			startEngine = true;
			minElev = -60;
			maxElev = 10;
			initElev = 0;
			minTurn = -70;
			maxTurn = 70;
			initTurn = 0;
			ejectDeadGunner = 1;
class GunnerTurret : NewTurret {
			// door seat 
			commanding = -2;
			gunnerName = "Door seat 1";
			gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1";
			gunnerUsesPilotView = false;
			gunnerAction = "passenger_bench_1";    
			primaryGunner = false;
			proxyIndex = 2;
			memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
			memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
			gunnergetinaction = "GetInLow";
			gunnergetoutaction = "GetOutHigh";
			caneject = 1;
			weapons[] = {};
			magazines[] = {};
			gunnerForceOptics = false;
			gunnerInAction = "sab_an2_pilot";
			ejectDeadGunner = 1;
			isPersonTurret = 1;

			minElev = -60;
			maxElev = 10;
			initElev = 0;
			minTurn = -70;
			maxTurn = 70;
			initTurn = 0;
		}; }; 

right now it is possible to switch seats and all, even during flight and shoot out of the vehicle.

I still have a memory effect on passenger seats but with switching around seats i can "reset" it and it works again.

In MP with friends sometimes it works and we both can switch seats, then suddenly I get stuck and my colleague can still switch around. Sometimes I cant enter, then all dismount and it works again.

I have no idea what is going on : (

Edited by Sabre_Dust

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