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Make a unit fire more than once (forceWeaponFire) ?

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I would like an AI to fire five times so I wrote a file (forceFire.sqf) :

_unit = _this select 0;
_weapon = currentWeapon _unit;
_ammo = _unit ammo _weapon;
_count = 0;

while {_count < 5} do
_unit forceWeaponFire [_weapon, "FullAuto"];
_count = _count + 1;

Calling the script in a unit init field like that :

_null = [this] execVM "intro\forceFire.sqf";

This thing is the unit is firing only once. I really don't understand why the unit does not fire other bullet.

Any idea(s) ?


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Would firemode "Single" and a little sleep in the loop help? I mean, you're commanding the unit to fire 5 times in an instant. Maybe the command doesn't stack?

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Work great when adding sleep or uiSlepp in the loop. Thanks

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