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Any proper TVT/PVP communities ?

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Hi, as a long time arma/ofp player, since 2001, i am really tired of the whole coop thing, been tired for a few years now as the AI is poorly done and will never get on the intelligent player level. Considering arma was always a military sim , it makes me wonder why people don't like to see how they would fare against actual people in a proper military operation. (king of the hill is unorganized carnage so it doesnt count)

So i came here to ask, Is there a community out there that plays 50%-100% tvt on their server, of course with Dragonfyre , Blastcore and RHS if possible. I don't mind also if these communities play arma CWC, arma1, arma 2 or arma 3, as i still play all of them with a couple of people.

There is United Operations community, on which i play at least once a week for a few years now, but they have some sort of problem with tvt , probably due to a lot of newcomers, but when there is a tvt its great to play and people are mature. However they only play it 1 out of 15 matches the rest is coop. I also applied to Shacktac 2 years ago, as i like what they do, and got accepted, but soon had to leave because, at the time, i could not show up once a week at a specific time, but now i can, which is why i post this here, before re-applying to shactac i want to see if there are any others out there that can provide a similar experience. Thanks!

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Hi Milo,

Hi, as a long time arma/ofp player, since 2001, i am really tired of the whole coop thing, been tired for a few years now as the AI is poorly done and will never get on the intelligent player level. Considering arma was always a military sim , it makes me wonder why people don't like to see how they would fare against actual people in a proper military operation. (king of the hill is unorganized carnage so it doesnt count)

So i came here to ask, Is there a community out there that plays 50%-100% tvt on their server, of course with Dragonfyre , Blastcore and RHS if possible.

Sounds like you are a perfect candidate for TacBF - it's 100% TvT/PvP and uses RHS! IMHO this is one of the best PvP mods available. The server have had 30-40+ players almost every night (~18.00-24.00 GMT) since X-mas and you can find the mod and more information here...


Also check out the thread below where I posted som videos. If you are new watch GURU's video to get things going, TacBF is pretty deep but you only need to know how to fire and reload your weapon to start with. TFR is not mandatory but highly recommended since it's how many squad leaders communicate with the group.


Hope to see you on the filed and make sure to bring some friends (you can make you own squad if you want to)!


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Thanks! I did play when it first started , an ex clan mate is among the devs, but i did not know they implemented RHS, will surely get in mate. Thanks!

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